The Charlois Life

The following post was written several weeks ago but it still gets the point across.

When your goal is to have a satisfying life, there are things you can do to increase the chances of that happening.  By starting with your ideal future, and working backwards, to that glorious stage, you start to develop a plan with action steps.

The following is an example from my life.  I want to be where I would like to spend the remainder of my life from age 78 on until my death.  It is not a perfect plan, but it is a starting point.

These are my life goals and the plans for the 10 year, 5year, and immediate steps on the journey.

June 11th, 2035 at the age of 78

Start the purchase and development of the Charlois Estate

This project will last the rest of my life and hopefully further.

The Charlois Estate consists of my dream home with accompanying service buildings for a typical self-sufficient farm.  The farm will be 160 acres with 2.5 dedicated to the living/ working part of the farmstead.  The other 17.5 acres will be orchards and grazing for dairy cows.  Along with the central 20 acres will be 140 acres divided into 7–20-acre fields, for crops and grazing of livestock.

Aside from the homestead there will be other areas on the Estate: there will be a small village, and a private school, with the largest portion of land being dedicated as a wilderness area.  This area will be at least 320 acres, with 10 retreat cabins spread amongst the trees.  There will be trails, bike paths, and possibly a small lake, as well.

I mentioned there being a small village.  It will consist of 80 acres, divided into 25-1.5-acre single family building lots. With that taking approximately 40 acres the remaining 40 acres will be set aside for community buildings: stores, hotel, town hall, and an apartment building to name a few.

Finally, there will be a private school.  The campus will consist of 80 acres and will be set up for a maximum of 500 students, 9th-12th grades and a 2-year jr. college.  At the heart of the campus will be a meeting hall.  This will be designed as an A-frame with a side structure.  There will be classroom buildings, dormitories, gymnasium, and cafeteria.  Starting small with the central meeting hall and growing as needed for 500 students.

As can be seen this is a rather ambitious vision, however, by following the path I am about to lay out it should be within reach.  This path will consist of three phases: in prep for the development will be years 6-10, or 2030-2035, then with a little more detail, comes phase two, years 1-5 or years covering 2029-2034, finally is the prep stage, year 1 or 2027 – 2028. This is where the dream starts.

Phase 3 will consist of all the things we put into place in the previous two phases, just more intense.  In addition, we’ll be working on growing the coaching business.  We’ll work with the small business administration and veterans’ administration to get a physical home for the business.  “Leonardo’s Book Store and Personal Growth Center,” will be an expansion of the coaching side of the business and more able to raise funds for the development of the Estate.

Phase 2 will be more of beginning prep for the project.  This is where I’ll get trained as a coach and start seeing clients.  There will be a concerted effort to improve my credit worthiness and start building a financial base.  The purchase of a car and a move to Maysville Kentucky will round out the closing stages of this phase.

Phase 1 is going to be the shortest of the phases, lasting one year.  This is where the dreaming comes in with work starting on developing definite plans for the process.  I have a list of 10 goals that will kickstart the process.  Things like quitting smoking, losing weight, and doing research on coaching schools to name a few.  It will end on June 11th, 2025.

This is just a preliminary plan that will be perfected as we go.  Here is to the dream.

So, by using this plan as an example, anyone can plan for their future.  Choose an ending date, then fill in the rest of the plan in stages.  Each stage, from first to last will be more detailed.  Just keep in mind the plan can be adjusted as you progress and things change.

Yancy Adamson

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