
Charlois Foundations

Kaizen, a Japanese term which means, Continuous Quality Improvement.  It is used primarily in the manufacturing sector; however, its use is beginning to spread where it even touches on personal development. For that reason, we at Charlois have appropriated it as a foundational concept. We believe that everything evolves, trying to improve on itself.  For […]
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Charlois Foundations, From May 2024

One of the foundational beliefs of Charlois is the interconnectedness of all things.  However, that does not preclude the idea of us all having individual identities.  That means we all have our own way of doing things, and believing in our own way.  That includes how we relate to God and the universe.  That is […]
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A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

“..And to the centurion Jesus said, Go; let it be done for you according to your faith.” Throughout scripture it speaks of the power, we as humans possess.  Yet we do not use it as we should.  In this passage Jesus is saying, if you have faith, which is mentioned in various ways.  Why is […]
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A Charlois Book Review

I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately; one book that I just can’t put away is Kevin Kruse’s foray into time management.  15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management is an excellent read.  Unlike most time management books, this one is full of “tricks” that save time and increase productivity.  Each chapter deals […]
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 The Charlois Life

It’s time for the Thursday edition of The Charlois Life; I’m late as I’ve been having computer issues.  Here I am though, ready to share how things are going in my world.  As is this will be published early Friday, with an installment of A Charlois Book Review coming later in the day. I’ve been […]
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The Charlois Co.

There is going to be a change to the Wednesday offering.  There are two outreach divisions at Charlois, The business, and the non- profit fellowship.  As of this writing, neither one of those entities are active.  I will try to write something appropriate on these days. Robert A. Charlois III
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The Charlois Life

July 9th, 2024; almost a month since I last wrote.  There has been a lot going on.  Getting my ducks in a row so I can live my 67th year as a new, improved, version of myself.  The week following my birthday I started a routine of drinking 64 oz’s of plain water; to keep […]
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 The Charlois Life

Greetings.  The other day, Tuesday, June 11th was my Birthday.  As much as I wanted to make it really special, I couldn’t even muster the energy to get out of bed.  It seems like every time I think I’m making progress I have a set back. The last time I posted, I said I was […]
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The Charlois Life

It is 11:30 pm on Tuesday night, and as promised I’m writing today’s installment of The Charlois Life.  The last time I posted was May 23rd, so it has been a while.  Hopefully this is the start of a more consistent endeavor. I am finally my old self; actually, I’m the new improved version.  I […]
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 The Charlois Life

I think it’s time.  Time to admit I need help getting out of this situation.  As I weigh my options, I can tell some of the steps I’m taking are helping, but not enough.  Therefore, I’m planning on talking with my psychiatrist on Wednesday.  We’ll discuss whether it might be time for a medication adjustment.  […]
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