Saturday, July 2nd, 2022
“Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, If you make my word your home, you will come to know the truth, and that truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 NJB
As I search my resources, commentaries, bible dictionaries, bible handbooks, and such, there is very little that is said about these two verses. I think that is odd since there is so much contained within them.
For today’s reflection I want to focus on four words: Word, Home, Truth, and Free.
In the original copies the Greek word used for Word is Logos. It has various definitions including; “the self-revealing nature of God.” This indicates that God is not some hidden entity but rather the creator of the universe, who’s presence can be seen in everything. It is by seeing this presence that we are drawn to Him.
The next word I want to reflect on is Home. In Jewish life the designation of home meant, the center of life, next to temple and synagogue. It is by living in the safety of the home that we find love and nourishment. These two are where we grow in knowledge and truth. It’s this truth which brings us to the next word.
Truth, knowing the difference between the love of God and the ways of the world. It is this truth that leads to life; life eternal and life abundant. Because it is within God’s love where we find complete wholeness. Where we can be who we are created to be. That gives us freedom, which is our last word.
Free, or freedom is something we all strive for. Since this is the 4th of July weekend it is appropriate to mention the founding of the United States. This country was founded on the idea of freedom for all. While not perfect in execution, it is none the less a good example of freedom. It is not about being able to do whatever we want, regardless of how it affects others; but a unified approach to living that benefits everyone equally. This is fully realized when we truly buy into the idea of God’s kingdom.
So, as we look around and see God everywhere let us remember that it is through Him that we have life. By remembering, may we live more faithfully His ways to others benefit.
Reflect on these words and live in the love and power of God.
Peace to us all.
Pastor Yancy