A Charlois Book Review

In 2010, Laura Vanderkam wrote, “168 Hours, you have more time than you think.”  I consider it one of the best Time Management books I’ve read.  While it doesn’t follow the typical format, it does get the point across; with 168 hours in a week, we have enough time to do what’s important to us.

One of the first things she does is have us keep a time log for one week.  She believes we can’t plan our time if we don’t know where we’re spending it.  For me, this was an eye-opening experience.  I knew I wasted a lot of time, but now I know the culprits.

From there she asks for us to write a list of 100 of our hopes and dreams.  This list is used later in the book when we start allocating time.  By having the list, we know what is important to us and thus what should be first on the calendar.

This book is fun to read, and very practical; which goes with Charlois’s practical philosophy.

Get it, read it, and begin the journey to the life you desire.

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