
A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

“… I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these …” John 14:12 NRSV

Over the past year or so I have been doing a lot of reading about how to take control and live a life you’ll love.  What I am discovering is that almost everyone wants more but few believe it’s available.  That is all but those who promote a prosperity mindset.  In their thinking we live in a universe of abundance, where all you have to do is ask and believe.

I fall into the later camp, where a perfect Creator would provide everything, His creation needed to thrive.  It is through our lack that we don’t have our wants fulfilled.  The universe is made up of three things: God, or a universal consciousness, physical matter, or energy, and a universal mental energy we call the mind.  By our consciousness, which is one part of the greater consciousness of God, takes the physical matter of the universe, and our thoughts or mental energy, forms that which we desire.

As Jesus said, “I and the Father are one,” John 10:30 NRSV And if we are created in the image of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; then we also are one with the Father, which brings us back to our opening quote.  What our minds conjure our being creates.  So be careful of your thoughts, there is a power in them.

God’s peace to us all.

Pastor Yancy

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A Charlois Book Review

The last time we spoke I was talking about being a well-read person.  I spoke of Clifton Fadimon’s “Lifetime Reading Plan,” and Britannica’s “Great Books,” as well as references to websites of lists to read.  Today I want to touch on my personal reading plan for this year and beyond.

If you read my posts at all you have probably figured out that reading is a big deal to me.  In fact, on many days, I’ll read between 2-3 hours of various materials.  But for most of my life I’ve just read, without any real plan.  That’s all well and good but if I am to grow into my best self, I’ll need some direction.

That is what I’ve been working on this year; a comprehensive plan that includes: reading instruction, great literature, non-fiction, and popular titles.  It is my goal to continue reading the 2-3 hours I’ve been doing, but in a more focused way.

The reading instruction part is a self-study approach based on “How To Read A Book,” by Mortimer Adler, and several books on reading fundamentals and speed improvement.  The goal being to get to 1200 words per minute with 80% comprehension.

For the Great Literature portion I’ve chosen Britannica’s, Great Books of the Western World; a collection of 74 of western civilization’s greatest authors, put together in a 54-volume set.  Volume 1 is the great conversation, an essay by Robert Hutchinson, as well as a 10-year reading plan and other important information.  Volumes 2-3 are the index of ideas, or syntopicon.  The rest of the set contains the works of 74 authors, some entire works others just the most significant.  While there is a 10-year reading plan in volume 1 I’m choosing to use another plan to get started.

In 1959, Britannica released a set of books called “The Great Ideas Program.”  This 10-volume set consists of 10 separate reading plans that are designed so that each one can be completed in a typical school year.  The focus varies from volume to volume but each one covers an area specific to an idea: literature, science, law, politics, philosophy, etc.  I plan on using volume 1 for the next year to start my 10-year reading program. It is titled, “An Introduction To The Great Books And To A Liberal Education.”  There are 15 readings covering the spectrum of works included in the 54-volume set.  This will give me a good start to the whole set.   Along with the assigned readings there is commentary and self-study questions to guide things.

Finally, the last category of reading direction consists of two genres: non-fiction and popular fiction.  During the course of my reading, I’ll have one or the other of these two areas open.  The way that will be decided is if I’m working on a project I’ll go online and search out the best titles with that focus.  Example, I recently was doing research for a book I want to write on Time Management; so, I looked up “best books on time management,” and came up with a list of 15 books that I proceeded to read.  When I’m not working on a specific project I’ll go to “Good Reads,” and check out their list of “100 books to read in your lifetime,” and choose something from that list. That selection keeps my reading plate full.

This may seem like a lot of reading, however, by reading a minimum of 20 minutes at a time I can cover my reading in under 2 hours.  That is about what I’ve read previous to starting this program; it also leaves time to anything I run across that sparks my interest.  And I am getting in some quality reading.

Whatever you are interested in I suggest you read about it, it doesn’t have to take up your life and it’s well worth it.

Happy reading,

Robert A. Charlois III

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 The Charlois Life

I think it’s time.  Time to admit I need help getting out of this situation.  As I weigh my options, I can tell some of the steps I’m taking are helping, but not enough.  Therefore, I’m planning on talking with my psychiatrist on Wednesday.  We’ll discuss whether it might be time for a medication adjustment.  I don’t like being on meds but sometimes that little kick goes a long way.

On another note, I’ve been having technology issues lately so bear with me on my posting schedule.  I think I may have some options figured out.  We’ll see.

So, until next time,

God be with you,

Yancy Adamson

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The Charlois Life

It is time for another installment of “The Charlois Life,” staring yours truly.  When we last talked, I was giving a run down of what I’m working on.  In essence, I want to be the best version of me possible and to share that journey to the goal through my blog and books.  Today I want to keep that conversation going.

I spoke about being a Renaissance Man and what that would entail.  I am discovering that if I want to write and do my studies, I’ll need my environment to be organized.  It is not dirty or anything like that, it’s just cluttered and messy.  So, one of my first projects is going to be “get things in order.”

My room is divided into areas, as to rough purposes.  There are 5: office, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, and library.  My goal is to take each area in turn and clean and organize.  This job will take several days but once it is done, I feel like the stage will be set to accomplish my program.  At least my mood will be where it needs to be.

One step at a time and I plan on this stage being complete by Easter.  I’ll be able to celebrate properly at that point.

So, until next time,

God be with you,

Yancy Adamson

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 The Charlois Life

Greetings.  Tonight, I want to talk a little bit about what I’ve been working on in therapy.  My last session was this past Friday and we covered a lot of ground.  One of the things I’ve been struggling with is my apathy.  I can’t seem to find the motivation to accomplish things.  Amy, my therapist and I have determined that a possible reason is that I don’t have a primary, driving goal.  So, we brainstormed, and we discovered that one goal that has been in the background my whole life is to be the best version of who I was created to be.  So, we discussed the possibility of focusing on that as my driving force in life.  But what does the best version of me look like.  That is my homework assignment for next session. 

The question now becomes, who do I want to be when I grow up?  First of all, I want to be challenged.  I want to constantly be growing and learning.  To become a Renaissance man if you will.  To know a little something about a whole spectrum of subjects.  Therefore, I’m embarking on a journey / quest to realize that dream.  I will be reading widely, both Britannic’s Great Books, and the best books of the last 100 years.  I will study math and languages, art and music; subjects that would be covered in a good college liberal arts program.  There will also be my goal of being fit in all eight dimensions of wellness: Spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, social, environmental, occupational, and financial.  But that is only the beginning.

Knowing is only part of the equation.  I also have to apply it by contributing in some way.  That brings up some other goals.  I am a writer, writing both books and a blog.  If I focus on inspirational, self-help titles and blog about my quest; maybe my work will contribute to the well being of society.  The best version of me that I can envision.

That’s an update for now, expect more in the future.

Until next time,

God be with you,

Yancy Adamson

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Charlois Foundations

We have been talking about reading and studying for the last couple of posts and that is because continuous self-improvement is one of the foundational beliefs of Charlois Philosophy. Research has shown that, with proper care, the human brain can continue developing until the day we die.  As long as we feed it a healthy diet, challenge it with new information, and keep it safe; it can provide us with the brain power we need to live an abundant life.

Not only does feeding the brain help it develop it, it can also be a source of great joy.  Reading, puzzles, and new experiences, are the base from which we can build a great life.  Why wouldn’t we want to get as much use from our mental equipment as possible.

Charlois is a philosophy that seeks the best for its practitioners.  So, if you want to access all God offers through the universe then continue providing yourself with all that helps body, mind, and spirit.

God bless, and have a great day.

Robert A. Charlois III

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A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

“Study to shew thyself approved…” 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV

Most people assume that the author of this passage is referencing the Judeo / Christian scriptures.  I believe they are mistaken when they say the Bible is the only book for me.  I believe God wants us to study everything as it all reflects the self revealing nature of Himself.

In Richard Foster’s book Celebration of Disciplines, he has an entire chapter on the idea of study.  Through study we draw closer to God and His people.  Scripture tells us to love God and love neighbor as self.  How can we love if we don’t know the persons, we say we love?

It seems to be very important to God for us to expand our awareness of the glories He has provided for us.  This idea that we can know everything just by reading our Bibles is ludicrous.  We are to immerse ourselves in all manner of study so as to extract the truth, the whole truth.  We can only do this if we take our studies seriously.

Go, and show yourselves approved before God.

God’s peace to us all.

Pastor Yancy

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A Charlois Book Review

The lifetime Reading Plan, by Clifton Fadiman is not only the title of a book it is also the focus of this installment of A Charlois Book Review.  One of the things that many people especially, me, is their desire to be a well-rounded person.  One of the best ways to accomplish this is to be a lifelong learner, especially by reading widely.

As I’ve said on other occasions is, I want to be the best version of myself that I can be.  That includes being a well-rounded individual, or polymath.  Naturally that means reading a lot, so, I am undertaking a quest.  Over the next ten years I plan on increasing my reading so that I’m reading the great literature of history.

But how does one choose what to read?  There is a myriad of ways to find your list.  Fadiman’s Lifetime Reading Plan lists 103 authors that he feels should comprise most peoples lists.  The Great Books by Britannica is a similar list that covers 74 of the world’s great literature.  This set even has reading plans to guide a person through 10 years of reading.  Another way of determination is computer lists of “best “……” books to read” , which may include websites that cover popular categories.

For me, I’ve decided to follow a multipronged approach.  Over the next 10 years I’ll be following the Great Books 10 year reading plan, which will be my core reading list.  Add to that a reading list of the 100 must read books from reedsy off the computer.  Also included will be selections from other non-fiction lists that I may find.

Whatever you choose to read, I suggest we get intentional about increasing our reading time.  It is one of the best ways of improving yourself.

Happy reading,

Robert A. Charlois III

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The Charlois Life

Are you noticing that I’ve been rather erratic in my posts?  Since late last year I have struggled.  Everything in my life has been shaken up.  However, I am taking steps to get past that.

I have started Journalling, both in my private journal and here on this blog.  I have every intention to become more consistent in my posts.  That’s not to say I won’t mess up occasionally, but I’m going to try.  Beginning with this post I am working on a weeks’ worth at a time.  In other words, I have 6 posts in the works at all times.  This is not the only project I’m working on.

My reading is expanding.  Next week I plan on starting The Great Ideas Reading Plan by Britannica, and will continue that for the foreseeable future transitioning into Britannica’s 10 year reading program.  Add to that, for recreational purposes I’m reading the classic writings as listed on the Reedsy website.  And I’m reading various selections from my public library. There is more.

Yesterday I signed up for the Daily Stoic’s Spring Challenge.  It’s a program designed to help you restart your dreams for the year.  This looks to be the “kick-in-the-seat-of-the-pants” that I so need.

As you can see, I’m tired of wallowing in self-pity and eager to regain my focus on a purpose;  become the best version I’m created to be.

Until next time,

God be with you,

Yancy Adamson

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 The Charlois Life

It has been a while since I’ve posted anything, but that is not indicative of any problems in my life.  In fact, things are going pretty well.  It’s just a result of me getting things ordered the way I want.  Since late last year I had some struggles with my mental health team going through a transition.  While I was dealing some personal issues my treatment was sporadic, often times not seeing anyone for weeks at a time.  That has all changed.

My current team has someone that touches base with me every week, that is a plus.  It’s not that I need it every week but sometimes things come up that could be addressed.  I now have that in place.

Another issue is, I’m coming to terms with my limitations.  That has been hard considering the life goals I had.  That to is being dealt with.  I have accepted the fact that I just need to be myself and let God use me how He sees fit.

I’ve come a long way these past few months but I still have a long way to go.

Until next time,

God be with you,

Yancy Adamson

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