
A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

What is the greatest commandment? It seems to be that we as humans need to have detailed instructions on how to live our lives, when in reality it is really quite simple.  At the time of Jesus, the question seemed to be a major part of intelligent conversation.  On one occasion Jesus was asked a […]
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The Charlois Life

One of the things I’ve found that has been useful for getting my life in order, a written schedule.  By waking up every morning and having a written plan for the day has been extremely beneficial.  The day will come when most of it will be habit but for now this is what works. Yancy’s […]
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A Charlois Book Review

Brian Tracy has written numerous books and is a leader in time management and productivity.  His book, “No Excuses,” is an excellent read.  Like many of his books, this one has 21 chapters on the benefits of self-disciplines.  I bought it thinking it would help me be more disciplined, and while it does have nuggets […]
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 The Charlois Life

Like I said in my last “Charlois Life” post, I’m finally getting it together, although I’m not in the zone yet.  It seems that the Universe is conspiring against me.  I know that’s not true; the Universe only wants what I ask of it.  My self-sabotaging subconscious is the cause of my problems.  That and […]
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The Charlois Life

The wait has been worth it.  Since my birthday, June 11th, 2024, I’ve been working on getting some structure in my life.  I have discovered, without structure to measure my activities against, I have been known to waste a lot of time.  That has caused me to experiment with different systems.  It has been a […]
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Charlois Foundations

Today’s focus is on “Self-Discipline.”  It is a foundational concept that Charlois attempts to encourage its practitioners to embrace.  It has been proven that one of the reasons people fail to meet their goals is because of a lack of self-discipline.  I know in my own life a lack of this trait has kept me […]
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Charlois Foundations

When we last connected, we were talking about Kaizen, the Japanese process of continuous improvement.  Since it is such an important concept I wish to continue in that vein.  As a species, we are hard wired to constantly be improving, evolving so we can continue to survive. There are those that don’t want to grow, […]
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Charlois Foundations

Kaizen, a Japanese term which means, Continuous Quality Improvement.  It is used primarily in the manufacturing sector; however, its use is beginning to spread where it even touches on personal development. For that reason, we at Charlois have appropriated it as a foundational concept. We believe that everything evolves, trying to improve on itself.  For […]
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Charlois Foundations, From May 2024

One of the foundational beliefs of Charlois is the interconnectedness of all things.  However, that does not preclude the idea of us all having individual identities.  That means we all have our own way of doing things, and believing in our own way.  That includes how we relate to God and the universe.  That is […]
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A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

“..And to the centurion Jesus said, Go; let it be done for you according to your faith.” Throughout scripture it speaks of the power, we as humans possess.  Yet we do not use it as we should.  In this passage Jesus is saying, if you have faith, which is mentioned in various ways.  Why is […]
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