Charlois Foundations

Today’s focus is on “Self-Discipline.”  It is a foundational concept that Charlois attempts to encourage its practitioners to embrace.  It has been proven that one of the reasons people fail to meet their goals is because of a lack of self-discipline.  I know in my own life a lack of this trait has kept me from reaching my full potential.

I am working on correcting this shortcoming in a variety of ways.  One such effort is to practice doing little things so as to build proficiency for bigger challenges.  Another attempt is to read on how to improve in this area.  Keeping with this idea I’ve bought a book by Brian Tracey on self-discipline.  It is 21 chapters long so I plan on reading a chapter each day.  That will have me completing it in 3 weeks.  At which time I’ll do a Charlois Book Review and share what I’ve discovered.

It is my goal to be the best version of who I was created to be.  Becoming more disciplined will greatly improve my chances of reaching my full potential.  There is not a lot of hope to accomplish that goal if I don’t develop some self-discipline.

I am going to suggest that if you have dreams, and I believe we all do, then we need some discipline to do the things we need to do to make them a reality.  Doing the work necessary to realize success in our lives requires are doing things we don’t want to, to make it happen.

So start practicing and things will begin to happen.

God bless, and have a great day.

Robert A. Charlois III

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