Wednesday, July 20th, 2022
Well, we have come a long way. From the idea to have a website / blog, till now. There have been struggles along the way, everything from glitches to inability to write. But we are on a roll now. I’m consistently posting every day, except Sundays, and the team is in discussions about next steps.
For my part, I’m going to focus on improving the quality of my posts. From my research, a typical blog post runs anywhere from 500 to 1500 words per post. I’ve been posting 200 to 300. That needs to change.
As far as the rest of the team, they are working on coming up with a strategy to increase traffic on the site. We need to reach more people if our dream is to become reality. When they come up with a plan, I’ll review it and decide one way or another.
Further down the road there are plans to monetize the site and add a non-profit aspect. I expect that won’t be until the end of this year.
For now, just be aware that we are working to make this experience the best it can be.
Until another time, peace be with you on your journey.
Robert A. Charlois III