Greetings, and welcome to the charloisphilosophy.org website, home of the How to live abundantly blog.
The Charlois Philosophy is being developed by myself, in my many personas. Intended to be a practical philosophy that helps people to live the abundant lives they desire. We, as a species, want to be happy, to have the things we desire. However, many of us don’t know how to live an abundant life. That is one of the goals of the philosophy and this website and blog. There will be another piece, The Charlois Manifesto, which is a book outlining the major feature of everything Charlois. More about that book in another post.
Over the coming future, we will be writing about many things, all geared toward helping us to be the best versions of ourselves. We believe that when we are the best, we can be we naturally attract good into our lives. The universe is filled with an abundance of such things and there is no scarcity of what is available. So, let’s get into the format of these posts.
The plan is to publish, at least once per day, Monday through Saturday, with an occasional Sunday edition. For the most part, we will follow the following editorial calendar.
Mondays will be focused on things like concepts, principles, and such; giving a basic understanding of what it means to be our best.
Tuesdays and Thursdays will be The Charlois Life segment, where we will take a typical day and reflect on it through the lens of this philosophy.
Wednesdays will usually cover administrative posts, keeping the community informed as to what is occurring in the Charlois world.
Friday is a chance to be exposed to literature that has the ability to improve our lives. This segment is called The Charlois book review.
Saturday will be Pastor Yancy’s chance to reflect on spiritual issues. While philosophy is not a religion it does have a connection to the spiritual realm.
Finally, Sundays are meant to be a day of rest and therefore posts on this day will be limited.
We hope that these posts will assist you on your journey and that through that journey you experience abundance. This website and blog is an evolving organism and as such depends on the participation of the readership. Feel free to comment and make suggestions since it is only through your input that we can make this the best it can be.
Again, welcome, we hope your visit is a pleasant one.
Robert A. Charlois III