Genesis 1:1; “In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,”.
This verse, which marks the beginning of the Judeo-Christian bible, is a thought that is central to most of the worlds religious faiths. The idea that, in the beginning there was nothing but God, and out of that, “nothingness,” God created everything that is. We can deduct that if there was nothing but God, and He created all that is, then we, creation, must come from Him.
The Charlois Philosophy is not a religion, it is however based on “faith.” In his book, “Man’s Search For Meaning,” Victor Frankl speaks of the idea of, at the core of our being, man needs meaning and purpose in his life to thrive, actually to even survive the hardships that life brings. Belief in a beginning and a Higher Power that created it all, we believe is essential to finding that meaning and purpose.
The Charlois Philosophy hopes to combine the best of all of the worlds “Faith traditions,” and produce a system that helps people become the best that they were created to be. Through that journey, we have found that a life of abundance is a natural by-product of the effort we put into the journey.
“I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 NRSV When we were created, we were created with a purpose in mind. We believe God created all that is for the purpose of being an interconnected whole, intended to function as such for the good of that whole. Therefore, by becoming what we were created to be, living abundantly, and sharing that abundance with the rest of creation; we are in essence fulfilling our purpose, which gives meaning to our life.
So come and join us on this journey. Although we may not always get it right, our intention is to help all of us to reach our highest potential. We believe that is possible if we make use of the parts of this philosophy that resonates with us individually. Take part and enjoy, for we are all in this universe together.
May God bless you and keep you, Amen.
Pastor Yancy