The Charlois Life

Thursday, October 6th, 2022

“Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 NRSV

This is an appropriate verse for this wonderful day.  I say that because this day will be what I make of it.  If we start off with a good attitude, set our intention for the day, and carry out the plan, then yes, it will be a day the Lord has made and we will be right there helping to create it.

I have read a lot in the self-help category and what comes across loud and clear is that we have tremendous control over how our lives progress toward fulfillment.  With the abundance within the universe, and the power of positive thinking, we make our destinies.

Over the course of the last month or so I have struggled.  I “stubbed my toe,” so to speak and it has been a spiral downward every since.  Those closest to me have noticed, that seems to be a pattern with me; get “knocked off my horse” and things start looking ugly, until I get my bearings back.  Today is no different.  After having myself a big, “pity party,” I spoke with some friends and they helped me see what was happening.  I was filling my mind with images of doom and gloom, and guess what? The negative thoughts were followed by even deeper depression.  Until my friends helped remove the scales from my eyes and with seeing clearly, I changed my mindset.

The” Mind” is a powerful tool that can create, through the power of the Spirit, almost anything we desire, including peace and prosperity. When we think positive thoughts, believe in the reality of our desires, and, out of gratitude, give thanks for the gift that is being manifest in our lives, we receive an abundance of blessings.

The Charlois Philosophy teaches that we need to strive to be the best version of who we were created to be.  With that in mind, wouldn’t it be beneficial to access the creative power of mind and Spirit, to improve ourselves?  We, the human species, were created with the same Spirit as the One doing the creating.  That is another thought for us to mull over.  If we have that capacity, why don’t we create a world that is in line with what we desire?  That is another aspect of the Charlois Philosophy; while becoming our best selves, we are to help others do the same.

Everything in the universe is interconnected, so what is beneficial for us should be beneficial for others.  We have to stop thinking only of ourselves and start focusing on what is good for everyone else.  In this way we can have that which we desire.

Keep on keeping on.

Robert A. Charlois III

3 thoughts on “The Charlois Life”

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