The Charlois Life

It’s time for the Thursday edition of The Charlois Life; I’m late as I’ve been having computer issues.  Here I am though, ready to share how things are going in my world.  As is this will be published early Friday, with an installment of A Charlois Book Review coming later in the day.

I’ve been working on setting up a schedule, with an emphasis on blocking out priority activities such as blogging and writing my next book.  I’m hopping to set up a meeting with my web designer sometime next week.

Later today I’ll be meeting with my therapist.  We were supposed to meet on Monday but she had something come up.  It will be good to talk so I can share my journey into the Life Coaching arena, I want for all parties to work together for my benefit.

This has been short but I’m going to be focusing on publishing something every day, even if it is short.  This is a work in progress.

So, I’ll keep on keeping on.  Stay with me.

Peace and prosperity to you,

Yancy Adamson

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