The Charlois Life

One of the things I’ve found that has been useful for getting my life in order, a written schedule.  By waking up every morning and having a written plan for the day has been extremely beneficial.  The day will come when most of it will be habit but for now this is what works.


Morning Routine

6:00 AM-6:15AM

            Wake up, wash face and hands, brush teeth, go to bathroom, take morning meds, get dressed for day.


            Miracle Morning – Hal Elrod

S. A. V. E. R. S.

            15 min Silence – Prayer, Yoga Breathing, Meditation

            5 min Affirmations –

            5 min Visualizations –

            15 min Exercise – Physical Therapy Routine

            15 min Reading – Self Improvement

            5 min Scribe – Journalling

7:15 AM – 7:30 AM

            Review, 10 year goals, 5 year goals, 2024 -25 goals, Basic Starter Plan, Calendar, plan for day

7:30 AM –

            Morning Meds

7:30AM – 8:00AM –

            Shit, Shower, &  Shave

8:00AM – 8:45AM –

            Read until breakfast

8:45AM – 9:00AM –


9:00AM – 12:00Noon –

            Work – 2 work periods of 1.5 hours with 2 – 6 min breaks each

Noon –


As you can see it is fairly specific.  What you can’t see are the buffer moments when an activity doesn’t take the entire allotted time.  Also not included is the after lunch, evening, routine, but they exist.

It has taken quite some time and thought to come up with this plan, but I believe it will work for the foreseeable future.

Until next time,

Peace and prosperity to you,

Yancy Adamson

1 thought on “The Charlois Life”

  1. Sounds great for you! I understand how much schedules mean to you. One thing…don’t take your morning meds 2x. You’ll find what I mean in your schedule 😀

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