The Charlois Life

Thursday, July 14th, 2022

For most of my life I’ve worked at being the best I could be at whatever I was doing.  After losing my churches in 2015 I was doing anything much.  Then, after about 3 years I had a total mental breakdown.  I have since recovered and now I realize, I don’t have to have a vocation to strive at being my best at.  I can work at being the best version of who I was created to be.

Since I came to that realization, I have been working on improving myself.  Reading programs, fitness programs, habit formation, and such.  It is tough going, and I come up short more often than not.  But I am making progress.

The website and blog are a big piece of my journey.  I have been the type of person that likes to see others succeed, especially when I can help.  And that is what these mediums are intended to do.  They are expanding my abilities and hopefully helping others on their journeys.

The things we have been doing so far are amateur attempts but we fully expect to get better over time.  Anything worthwhile takes time to perfect and so it is with this project.  I hope you visit often and make suggestions on how we can improve.  Until next time.

Here is to the journey.  May god bless it and us.

Robert A. Charlois III

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