A Charlois Book Review

Friday, July 15th, 2022

This week’s book review is on a book that has been very instrumental in my growth as a human being.  “How To Think Like Leonardo da Vinci,” by Michael Gelb, takes this great genius and from a study of his life and work, comes up with a program of study that will enhance our extensive capacities.

This book is broken down into 3 parts.  The first part is background information: studies of our brain, a history of the renaissance, and a summation of Leonardo and his accomplishments.  The second part is the core of the book.  It contains seven principles that, if followed, will lead to a balanced life that is better than can be imagined.  Part three is resource materials: a drawing course, a project to recreate one of Leonardo’s dreams, a chronology of his life, and recommended reading and resources.

It is in part two where the major work comes in.  These seven principles are based on attitudes and practices that were employed by Leonardo in his quest for beauty and knowledge.  Things like: curiosity, experience, sensory improvement, a willingness to embrace paradox, ambiguity, and uncertainty, plus balancing art and science, physical competence, and finally, the interconnectedness of it all.

Each of these seven chapters is itself broken down even further.  The is the background section that describes the concept and also gives examples from Leonardo’s work. Next comes a short quiz to help you find how you embody the concept.  Finally, are the exercises that will lead into a fuller individual.

I highly recommend this book to anyone that wants to reach their highest potential.  Like anything that is worth going after this course is work, but a work that is rewarded many times over.

Buy it, read it, live it, and may God bless.

Robert A. Charlois III

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