Friday, May 20th, 2022
The time has come. My procrastinator tendencies are no longer control this website and blog. Up until now I’ve wanted everything about this endeavor to be perfect; no longer. While there will be adjustments and corrections to be made throughout the life of this site, I will push to post something, of quality, every day except Sundays.
Over the next several weeks, up through June 10th, I’m going to be posting and tweaking the site. At the same time, I’ll be getting organized by setting up my content calendar. On June 11th, there is going to be a special Pastoral Refection. Following that we’ll be working on an affiliate relationship with Amazon. This will be so you will be able to purchase items that we recommend.
Sometime around the end of the year we’ll start on applying for non-profit status for another branch of this project; “Fellowship Of All God’s Children.” This will be a ministry of collecting and distributing resources to aid in benevolent causes. More on that later.
We are excited about all the possibilities the future holds. We ask that you consider being an active part of this movement. There will be numerous opportunities to involved. For now you can read and comment on the posts, make suggestions, and most importantly, pray for Charlois; that we be true to our calling.
Until tomorrow, you have a blessed day.
Robert A. Charlois III
This is great Yancy!
This piece provided a lot of food for thought. It was well-written and very informative. Let’s chat more about it. Feel free to visit my profile for more related content.