Charlois Principles

Principle #3 Success in attaining a desired future is facilitated with a system of self-discipline practices.

“Determine never to be idle.  No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any.  It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.” Thomas Jefferson.

     Thomas Jefferson was one of many polymaths and serves as one example of what can be accomplished with a well-disciplined life.  Like most polymaths, Mr. Jefferson found the time, a discipline to be exercised, to study and practice a wide variety of interests.  It was his disciplines that made him one of the greats of history.

     It is through embracing a disciplined life that a person can become the best version of themselves.  By emulating the greats of history and striving to reach our full potential, we too may attain greatness.  At the very minimum it enables us to make a positive contribution to society.

     There is no way to receive that which we desire than to practice the habits that are laid out in this principle. They are personal but at the same time affect how we relate to the world around us; the structures, relationships, and practices are all impacted by the way these habits are or are not carried out in our lives.

1) Silence

     The first discipline we need to develop is silence.  For it is in the act of silence that we can most clearly hear that which is most important.

2) Temperance

     Temperance is the art of partaking of everything in moderation.  Not overindulging in life permits us the opportunity to truly savor the riches of God’s bounty.

3) Tranquility

     Living free from disturbances in a state of cam assurance we can reduce our natural stress experiences.  We can face everything knowing that we are in control.


     Frugality rewards us by always having enough.  Proper care in handling our resources benefits us beyond measure.  Eliminating the temptation to indulge in frivolous pursuits.

5) Order

     Out of order comes efficiency.  By having routines and systems in place that control the standards of our lives eliminates wasted time.  By not needing to recreate every instance we can spend more time on the important items.

6) Industry

     We enjoy the fruits of our labor more when we practice working hard to accomplish a goal.  That which comes the hardest is often times appreciated the most.

7) Cleanliness

     Cleanliness goes a long way to presenting a good image and therefore our character is strengthened.  It also sharpens one’s eye for detail, a skill that is valuable in all walks of life.

8) Austerity

     By living the uncluttered life of austerity, we can be most focused on the things of lasting value in our lives.  By limiting the frivolous things in our lives, we are making room for that which gives meaning.

9) Study

     Study is crucial if we are to continue learning our whole lives.  Learning our whole lives is one of the keys to becoming the best we can be.  By being at our best we are more likely to accomplish great things.

10) Self Reflection

     At the end of the day if we are to look back and reflect, we can possibly find places where we got it right.  At the same time our mistakes can be seen and corrected.  Both necessary for our personal growth.

By practicing these habits, we are endowed with the characteristics necessary to accomplish anything we set our minds to.  This is part of our quest; being the best we can be so we can aid others in their quest.

2 thoughts on “Charlois Principles”

  1. Such admirable qualities! I might add #11…’forgiveness’ as one of the essential qualities and in doing so please forgive me for being the constant proofreader that that I am. I refer to number three I and would offer…..’calm’ assurance. 🙂

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