Fellowship Of All God’s Children

It is about time to start with some meaningful content.  The focus of this week’s blog is our first major event.  Occurring May 14th, 2024, through May 19th, 2024, that is Tuesday through Sunday, we are planning a “Spiritual Renewal Event.”  The reason we are announcing it now is because we want to get started on the planning process.

The purpose of this event will be to raise awareness of our mission.  While it will be evangelistic in nature, that will not be the only thing happening.  There will also be exposure to different benevolent causes in and around the Maysville area.  With this awareness will come a request for funds to support these causes.

Along side of the crusade will be studies and preaching about the Spiritual life.  We at Charlois Philosophy believe the cornerstone of an abundant life is our Spiritual foundation.

The main event will begin on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024, with a 24-hour prayer vigil.  This will be followed with 5 days of worship, the focus being, “What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?”  From Mark 10:17-22.  On Saturday we will have a resource fair with various ministries set up to raise awareness.  The preaching this evening will conclude with an offering for these programs.’  On Sunday we will begin with a fellowship meal, followed by preaching, communion, and a sending forth.

Help us make this event a success by getting involved early.

Pastor Yancy

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