The Charlois Life

Tuesday, May 10th, 2022

Well, it is finally here, the day I start posting on a fulltime basis.  There have been previous posts, but I’ve had to go through my web developer to get them posted.  Now, after my training yesterday, I am able to write and post on my own.  No more delays or trouble with other issues.

It has been a long journey.  I have had dreams of doing something special most of my life.  There have been countless false starts, but I think I’m finally on to something.  Several years ago, when I was trying to start my business, it was suggested that I consider blogging.  At about the same time it was suggested I write a book.  The seeds were planted.

As I was beginning to work on some personal issues the dream resurfaced.  I wanted to do something to help people.  One of my goals in life is to become the best version of who I was created to be.  I also want to help others be their best selves.  So, I began reflecting and planning.

What I have come to believe is that to realize my dream I need to take it a step at a time.  The first thing I needed to do was establish myself.  Therefore, I started writing my first book and researching what it would take to be a blogger.

Here we are, over a year later; the book is in the final editing stage, and the website is up and I’m writing my posts.  The plan is to finish the book and get it published by June 11th of this year.  That will coincide with the official launch of the blog.  We hope to set up an agreement with Amazon to sell the books online through the Charolaise website.  The journey will continue from there.

Plans are to start working on a non-profit, “The Fellowship Of All God’s Children,” around the end of the year.  That is the next foray into the expansion of Charlois.  There are other goals, but as I said before, one step at a time.

My prayer is that this movement will strike a chord and be successful at helping people overcome their obstacles and obtain an abundant life.  So, stick with me and we’ll get this done.  In God’s time and with His Blessing. 

Robert A. Charlois III

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