The Charlois Life

Watched an installment of “Minute with Maxwell,” the other day, and the theme word was, “better.”  It hit home because one of the leading attributes of the Charlois Life, is too be the best you can be.  In the clip, a guest speaker put forth the idea that we should strive to be better today than we were yesterday.

Think about it, if we all lived by that idea, how far could we get in the time we have on this planet?  Add to that the progress we could make as a species if we all tried to be better.  There would be nothing out of our reach.  The abundance of the universe would be showered upon us.  Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

I know in my own life the benefits I receive when I’m trying to improve.  Maybe I don’t advance as far as my intentions are, but I am better for the effort.  So, if you want to be blessed with abundance, give it your best shot.

Think about the possibilities.

Robert A. Charlois III

1 thought on “The Charlois Life”

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