The Charlois Life

Welcome to 2024.  It is going to be a great year of abundance.  The reason I say this is because it is within my power, and yours, to make it so.  One of the things we seem to forget is that we are made in the image of God.  With that comes our power to create a life we can love.

You may be saying there is so much outside of our control.  That may be true to an extent, but how we respond to situations is totally within our control.  With that being said, how we react stars a process that can be turned into a benefit for us.  Therefore, it is within our control.

This brings us to the beginning of another year.  After reflecting on the last couple of years I’ve come to realize that some of my former goals were pretty unrealistic.  With that in mind I am dedicating this year to focusing my gifts to helping those I encounter to have their best life possible.

I will do this by improving my writing and web presence.  By dedicating myself to improving myself to becoming the best I can be I’ll act as a coach and inspiration to others.  That is what the Charlois life is about; helping each other in our quest for a great life.

Here is to a successful goal.  God bless.

Robert A. Charlois III

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