The Charlois Life

Friday, July 1st, 2022

It has been several months since I went public with the website and blog.  Even though I’ve been trying to live the Charlois Life for several years now, it’s not easy.  Trying to be the best version of who we were created to be takes dedication and a lot of work.

Reflecting on who we are and who we want to become is a cornerstone of the process.  This is an ongoing exercise.  Some traditions have their adherents to reflect on their day and suggest changes be made where there are discrepancies between reality and goals.

Sometime, as we go through the process, we can become discouraged and wish we could give up.  But we must remember, we have a lifetime of deeply embedded tendencies, and it takes persistence to change.  We also need to keep in mind the fact that, for many, who we are and who we want to be are at odds.  So, stay strong and don’t give in.  The Abundant Life awaits.

Here is to the journey.  May god bless it and us.

Robert A. Charlois III

4 thoughts on “The Charlois Life”

  1. Figuring out who I want to be at 68 and who I thought I wanted to be 50 years ago are quite different. New qualifiers are in place, such as health, income, familial relationships and interests, with the same person inside looking at the future through experienced eyes.

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