A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

Saturday, May 14th, 2022

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”  Psalm 23: 1 NRSV

This verse, and the five that follow, are indicative of the goodness of God’s universe.  This universe is abundantly filled with everything we need to live a rich and full life.  All we have to do is ask for it, Matthew 7:7-11, “Ask, and it will be given you; …”  Because it is promised that Jesus came, “that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10  NRSV

You may be wondering, if this is true then why is there so much poverty and scarcity in the world, along with the suffering we seem to see on a daily basis?  The fact of the matter is that it is a human condition.  When we humans exercise negative acts it upsets the balance that God created.  In other words, we are doing it to ourselves.

If humans were to be taken out of the equation the world would heal itself to the point of being a virtual “Garden of Eden.”  A better alternative in my mind is to affect change in the way people go about living their lives.  If we could teach them to “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…” then that would result in the same outcome.

I’m not suggesting we all become religious fanatics, that would create its own problems.  But to start living a positive life, content with the bounty that is rightfully ours, would go a long way.  Living that life, a life of simplicity, positivity, and universal love; becoming the best version of the people we were created to be, is the goal of those that seek the Charlois Philosophy.

There is a lot to living this life, and this website, the Charlois Manifesto, and the other writings, all will touch on the intricacies of what that looks like.  Just remember, there is an abundance waiting to be received, don’t live a life that keeps it from manifesting itself.

My thoughts on this Saturday evening.  May God bless them to our understanding.

Pastor Yancy

6 thoughts on “A Charlois Pastoral Reflection”

  1. Jamie & Mary Robinson

    Thank you Yancy. I find we want to take much more than we need, and really have little idea about the true ‘desires of our hearts.’

  2. I agree Jamie. If we all just lived the basic life with contentment it would be a better world. But greed is a powerful force.

  3. My first thought was “Stop wanting so much!” A minimalist lifestyle would benefit ourselves, but equally be beneficial to the Earth’s health.

  4. That is one of the ear marks of the Charlois Philosophy, living the abundant life does not mean getting more than you need to be happy.

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