A Mystical Journey

A trip through the Christian year

By Robert A. Charlois III

Every journey begins somewhere.  This journey is going to be no different.  We are going to start on November 26th, 2022, and run through December 3rd, 2023.  Going through the typical Christian year as a way of drawing closer to God.

Beginning with a look at the Hanging of The Greens service as an introduction to the trip that actually begins with the 1st Sunday of Advent.  We will follow the Christian calendar through its many Holy days and also look at different ways of seeing things on average days.

Hanging of The Greens can happen at any time during the Advent season but usually on or near the 1st Sunday.  It is a time to prepare for the season by decorating and a special service.  It is a special time for us as well.  As we embark on this journey, we need to prepare ourselves for what is ahead.

Over the next 52+ weeks we are going to strive to get closer to our Creator.  We will be following the traditions prescribed by the church and its Christian calendar.  Plus we will be meditating on reflections not set forth in the afore mentioned calendar.

Each edition will consist of a page with the Lectionary readings for that day, a guiding prayer, and possibly other items to set the tone for the day.  After the opening page will be a page or maybe more for reflection on the theme of the day.  Periodically there will be special editions explaining the season or providing practices that might be helpful on the quest.

So, with an attitude of inquisitiveness, let us begin this trek.

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