
A Mystical Journey

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” Romans 12:2a NRSV

As a part of a Mystical Journey, the renewing of the mind, being crucial to being transformed into someone that is holy, is a part and parcel of the trip.  In our basic configuration we are less than perfect, but by the transformation that is offered by the renewing of our minds, we can become “perfect, even as our Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48 NRSV

We were created in the image of God, so therefore in some way we must be like Him in our capacity to become perfect.  In fact, that is our true nature.

Many people believe humans cannot be perfect, short of Heaven, but if we look at scripture, we’ll see that the opposite is closer to the truth.

So, on this journey, remember your birthright and be transformed into the person you were created to be.  A perfect copy of the Creator of the universe.

Be transformed, and live.

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The Charlois Life

It has been over two weeks since the first of the year, and nothing much has happened.  It’s a slow start but that is not necessarily indicative of how the year is going to go.  Sometimes we have to fight our way through the underbrush of life to get to our desired destination.  This is true even for those who follow the Charlois Philosophy.  In fact, when we are striving to be the best we can be, which is what Charlois calls for, then there are going to be even more obstacles.

In my life there are many things I plan on accomplishing this year.  However much of it has to do with reprogramming my brain.  When we try to change who we’ve been, into who we want to be, our sub-conscience starts putting up roadblocks.  If we’re diligent we can get past these obstructions and realize our goal.  However, it takes discipline.

Stay the course, never give up hope, victory is mine says the Lord.  Even people like me that lack self-discipline can build that muscle within themselves.  Anything worth having is worth putting in the work to attain it.

So, continue working the program.  The end result is worth it.

Robert A. Charlois III

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Charlois Principles

Principal 11) Personal self-reflection is of no benefit unless we engage in a comprehensive program of continual self-improvement.

Michael Gelb wrote in his book, “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci”, about the nearly unlimited potential of mankind and gives a 7-step process for attaining our best self.  This process serves the reader as a way to become renaissance people.  In an article about becoming the more academic term, polymath, ******* writes…

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly; specialization is for insects.”

In order to attain the title, “Renaissance Man” there are certain things our lives need to consist of.  The first is Curiosity.  We need to have an insatiable thirst for everything the universe has to offer.  There are ways to feed that thirst.  By becoming voracious readers, we expose ourselves to a wealth of knowledge and experience.  Never before has information been so readily available.  Today, with the advent of computers and the internet, we have access to most of what has been written, the ability to travel to foreign lands, and explore the cosmos in its entirety.

Second, we must be willing to test that knowledge through personal experience.  Facts have a way of being distorted by people’s use of them.  For this reason, we must test everything so that we don’t just know “stuff” but have experienced “stuff” for ourselves.

The most practical way of testing facts is through our senses.  Therefore, refinement of our natural senses provides a way to get in touch with reality.

We cannot neglect the idea that our senses sometimes present conflicting information.  Thus, we need to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.  It is because of these conflicts we realize that differing ways of seeing cause us to use different parts of our reasoning faculties.  Therefore…

We must develop all parts of our brains in a way that allows us to think with both logic and imagination.  Using the two approaches to work on issues increases our chances of coming to resolution.  Research has shown however that it is not just our brains where sensory input is processed but throughout our bodies.

Developing our whole selves is crucial to realizing our full potential.  Therefore, the cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness, and poise is a must for any polymath. Once we have all those pieces together it is time to work on the totality and tie it all together.

This interconnectedness of all things calls for a systems approach to dealing with life.  Once we have the processes in place nothing will be beyond our reach.

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A Mystical Journey

Study to show thyself approved

2 Timothy 2:14-19,  “…Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by Him,…”

After the baptism of Jesus, He was driven into the wilderness to be tested.  In essence, He was being prepared for His life to come.  We too must prepare ourselves for our future life.  Without preparation we are more likely to fail at what we are being asked to do.  The Stoics taught training in expectation of the worst was critical for success in life.

We, not unlike those Stoics, have before us a universe full of possibilities, both good and bad.  Unless we prepare for the unknown, we are sure to miss opportunities, and be subject to all manner of problems.  Therefore, we need to set before ourselves a curriculum designed to enhance our God given abilities.

This course of study would involve self-reflection, journaling, physical, and mental calisthenics, as well other areas of preparation.  Ways to present ourselves as approved by God.

How are you preparing?  I pray it is enough. 

Pastor Yancy

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A Charlois Book Review

Friday, December 23rd, 2022

There are times when you come across a resource that has the potential to be a game changer.  The book “Do It Scared,” by Ruth Soukup, has been that for me.  It’s a self-help book that focuses on overcoming your fears to accomplish great things.  Ms. Soukup digs into her own life to share examples of the challenges we can overcome.

This book is broken down into three sections of seven chapters each.  The first section covers the seven fear architypes that she and her research team have identified.  Each chapter covers the basics of that particular fear, the downside, and some strengths associated with the fear.

Section two is called, Principles of Courage.  In this section she covers seven principles, that when embraced can help individuals overcome their fear.  She gives examples from her personal life as well as professional experiences to guide the reader into understanding how to apply it.

Finally, in section three, we get a step-by-step action plan that can be utilized to move people in the direction of their dreams.  Again, she uses relevant examples to get her message across.  This is where the rubber meets the road.

Throughout the book there are things that can aid the reader in their own journey.  Everything from a website that tests you for your fear type, to things her company produces to make the journey easier.

Then she includes ways to become part of her community and enjoy the benefits that brings.  Overall, a great book if you want to put your fears behind you, and move into your ideal new life.

Buy it, read it, and practice it. You won’t regret it.

God bless.

Robert A. Charlois III

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The Charlois Life

Thursday, December 22nd, 2022

As part of the Charlois Life as well as in many other traditions, we encourage everyone to take these last few weeks of the year, and reflect on the year just ending.  We also believe we should dream, and dream big.

This dual approach has many benefits, including, being aware of the victories and shortfalls of the year past so that plans can be made to move our lives in a positive direction.  We want to be moving forward because if we are standing still, or going backwards we are living a life of death, with no chance of a great future.

So, that is what I am working on.  Last year was a good one, with many victories, but also with a few setbacks.  I started the year with plans to make it one of my best years ever.  I feel short of that goal but I did make progress in many areas.  Therefore, it was a successful year.

This year I’m planning even greater things.  It is said that greatness comes to those who sacrifice for it.  One of the ways I’m going to make it great is by having a detailed plan for my many goals.  Actually, there are six major goals.  Everything from finishing my book. “The Charlois Manifesto, to holding a “Spiritual Renewal Crusade.”  Goal six on my list is really two goals.  They are listed together because as of right now I haven’t got any definite plans on how to make them happen.

I know that a goal without a plan is just a dream, but, I’m busy working on my other five and besides, these last two will happen somewhat organically.  Detailed plans will come in time.

What is your plan? Do you have one, or a least are you working on one?  I encourage you to do so.

Have a great Holiday season.

Robert A. Charlois III

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Fellowship Of All God’s Children

Welcome to Fellowship of ALL God’s Children, the non-profit arm of Charlois.  We are just getting started with this new endeavor so bear with us.  Over the coming year we will be putting together a leadership team from which the first year’s board will be drawn.  This team will be charged with writing our bylaws and other documents necessary for 501c(3) status.  From there, once the said status is obtained, we will start fundraising with a major event happening November 29th, 2023 thru December 3rd, 2023.  Disbursement of funds will happen in time for Christmas.

The way we will operate will be to raise funds to support benevolent causes, 50% of budget; start new ministry projects, 40%; and operating funds, 10% of budget.  The details will be spelled out in the formational documents but that is one of the things people need to know.  No one associated with this organization will be compensated for their involvement, so more funds can go to needed areas.

We are looking for people to volunteer for many positions and tasks; you could be one of those founding members.  There is much work to be done so we hope you will step up to help with this project.

In the meantime, we ask for your prayers as we believe this endeavor is inspired by God, and we anticipate His involvement the whole way.

Blessings on you and this ministry.

The Charlois Philosophy Team

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Charlois Principles

Principal 10) In order to maintain the proper relationship to God and creation we need to be in a state of systematic self-reflection.

Plato said it best when he quoted Socrates in Apology; “The unexamined life is a life not worth living.”

“Remember the past, and learn from it;

Dream about the future, and plan for it;

But never forget to live in the present,

Savoring every moment and event.

     Self-examination is crucial to personal growth, and personal growth is essential if we are to become the people we were created to be.

     Many philosophies promote this idea of reflection, admonishing adherents to reflect and journal.  It is by practicing such discipline that we grow as individuals.  Laying bare both our successes and our failures, giving us an honest appraisal of ourselves.

     Once we have a view of the landscape from which we are operating, we can then mold our personal growth program on both our gifts and weaknesses, becoming the best version of ourselves possible.

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A Mystical Journey

This week’s theme is Prince of Peace.  The reason for this is that the Jews believed that when the long-awaited Messiah came, He would usher in a period of peace, and prosperity.

Today we understand that by living as Jesus did, we would have to surrender all of our prejudices and accept each other as brothers and sisters.  Loving one another would become the living principle that guided our existence.

So, the question we must ask ourselves is, “does my brother have aught against me?”  There can be no animosity in God’s kingdom because we are all one in Christ Jesus.

How do we express this in our relationships? By loving one another with the same sacrificial love that Jesus had for us.

Meditate on that concept as we celebrate the birth of the King.

God bless us in His holy name.

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Charlois Principles

Principle 9 – As members of humanity it is necessary to live responsibly and in a manner that is beneficial to God and the rest of creation.

Genesis 1:26-28, “…Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves on the Earth.”

It is in this passage from the Jewish Scriptures that we get our first example of God calling mankind to be responsible.  There are countless other examples in Scripture and other places which makes it clear, as the crowning achievement of God’s creation, we, human beings, are to take responsibility for all of creation.  As an interrelated whole we who have the capability to manage and care for the rest must exercise that capability.

     It is through our acts of responsibility that it can be seen where we are interconnected.  By developing our independence, we are then able to start working interdependently thus bringing about the greatest good.

     This universe we live in is incomprehensible but by taking ownership in our little, individual piece we can affect the whole, allowing this organism to function in a healthy way.

     The created order is set up in such a way that if we are responsible about how we live in relation to it, it becomes clear that it is self-sustaining.  Therefore, by being responsible, we are assuring a perpetual existence.  Care for each other, care for the planet, care for all of it because it is all we have, and that as a fragile commodity.

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