
A Mystical Journey

The theme for this Advent Sunday is, “Christ our joy.”  So, what does it mean, “our joy?”

When we look at our world we see an amalgamation of nearly 8 billion people, each having their own unique view of what joy is.  But for the purposes of answering what joy is in the context of the Advent season, we must remember it also in relation to the birth of this messiah.

The birth of Jesus would usher in a time when we could see how the kingdom of God operated.  With the things Jesus taught and would demonstrate, the kingdom came alive and real for his followers.

In today’s world, this manifestation comes to us again as we celebrate the birth and eventual return of Christ.  It is going to require his followers to fulfill his prediction that, “even greater things than this shall you do,” John 14:12,  to manifest the kingdom in our time.

So as we prepare for this celebration, let us consider what is required of us to live out Jesus’s words.

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Charlois Principles

Principle #8 – We are members of the human species and as such we need to develop our interdependence.

     “Interdependence is a choice only independent people can make.”  Stephen Covey

     We live in a very social world and it is growing more so every day. If we are to be the people we are created to be, living as fellow residents of this created universe, then we need to take these principles to heart. We cannot interact with others if we are not independent ourselves and without the synergy of working with others it is doubtful if we will ever reach our full potential as individuals and as a species.

     There are three principles that go a long way in assuring we become truly interdependent.  The principle of interpersonal leadership.  In this area we strive to get to the appropriate solution, regardless of individual egos.  When we look at everything from the mindset that the best solution rarely comes from one right position.  Thinking this way opens the door to a vast array of possibilities that would not be available independently.

     The principle of empathic communication teaches that to fully understand a situation it is necessary for a person to articulate the other person’s position.  By being able to do this we empower the dialog to take on a life of its own.  That eliminates unnecessary negotiating and gets right at the situation at hand.  This sets the stage for the last principle.

     The principle of creative cooperation focuses on synergy, that possibility of producing more together than is possible working independently.  It is an experience to behold seeing a team working in a way that generates many more options because they feed on each other’s energy and ideas.

     This interdependent relationship is going to be critical if we are to evolve into our potential, both as individuals and as a race of differing entities.

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A Mystical Journey

On this second Advent Sunday our theme is, “Christ The Way.”  Since the resurrection of Jesus and the beginning of the grass roots movement, called, “The Way,” Christians have touted Jesus as the way to eternal life.  This has set up an exclusionary belief system.  I do not believe that Jesus was trying for that.

What I do believe is He was referring to what His life, teaching, and example meant.  If we live His way then we shall live an eternally, abundant life.  It is not something that is a deep secret that only a few have access to, but rather, a path that is open to all.

I know this flies in the face of what many teach but I do not believe that the God I serve would condemn someone to eternity in hell just because, at no fault of their own, they neglect to proclaim Jesus as God.

What is really at issue here is, are we seeking to love and serve God and the rest of creation?  If we are then we have fulfilled all of the law and prophets.

It is not an easy life, but because of God’s grace, we are forgiven by the sacrifice made by Jesus.  He truly did show us the way, the truth, and the life.  Whomever does these things shall be saved.

Meditate on that for a while.

God’s peace to all.

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A Charlois Book Review

Friday, December 3rd, 2022

From time to time, we review books that have had an impact on us.  Today is a little different.  In the course of our lives, we fulfill different roles.  In the book, The Charlois Manifesto, it speaks of eight of those roles, roles that everyone fills to a certain extent.  One of those roles is, we need to be resource managers.  In trying to give guidance in handling that role let me share some resources I’ve found helpful.

Probably the most influential resource is finances.  How we handle money determines, to a certain extent, all the other resources at our disposal.  However, in most peoples lives there seems to be little or no education in how to manage finances and those tasks related to it.  It would serve us well to study up on the subject ourselves.  To help avoid a lot of the material I’ll review four books that I believe cover the topic very well.

The first book, Personal Finance for Dummies, is a good basic introduction to personal finance.  It covers all the different aspects that a person might encounter when trying to get a handle on their money.  Everything from goal setting, budgeting, and the like to investing for the future.  Just a good, no nonsense, introduction.

The next three is where the depth comes in.  In “The 9 Steps To Financial Freedom,” by Suze Orman we get the heart of finance.  In this book, Suze talks of having a relationship with our money.  She believes that money is a living entity that craves attention, and should be treated with respect.  The book is broken down into three sections: the mental power of money, the handling of money, and how to deal with money.  There is some real practical advice but the biggest takeaway is its focus on the spiritual side of the issue.

In Dave Ramsey’s, “Total Money Makeover,” the focus is getting control of your money.  He gives a nine-step process of getting out of debt and living without credit.  While he quotes scripture, this is not a religious book; he does preach, however.  If a person is struggling financially this is the book to put you in control.

The last book we will look at is “I Will Teach You To Be Rich.”  This book from the new finance guru on the block, Ramit Sethi challenges the status quo.  He believes that we don’t need financial experts to manage our money, instead he teaches a 6-week process that if followed will lead to a “rich life,” whatever that means to you.  He takes us through a step-by-step process that is really easy and simple to implement.  Start early, if not when you’re young then now.  Use time and consistency to build the life you desire.

All of these books emphasize starting early but their principles can be useful at any age.  The key for all of them is don’t delay, act now, before it’s too late.

There are countless other books available but I have found these four to be very beneficial.  They, together, form the bedrock on which I’m building my financial plan.

Buy them, read them, and then build your own plan.

Robert A. Charlois III

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Charlois Principles

Principle #7 – We are individuals and as such we need to develop our independence.   

     “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.”  Henry David Thoreau  

Being independent creatures brings unique obligations and opportunities.  We are the only species that we are aware of that is self-aware.  As such we can impact our behavior.  It was once thought that we, like other animals, were given a plan for our lives that may as well been etched in stone.  Whether it was genetically, environmentally, or socially; how we behaved and functioned was beyond our control.  Modern research proves that not to be the case.

Because of our ability to self-direct our individuality is even more within our ability to control.  In Covey’s book he calls this ability the private victory, and it has three parts.  “Personal Vision, Personal leadership, and personal management,” work together to enable us to be the person we desire.  We can be independent from outside forces and forge the lives we want.

Personal Vision is taking control of our programming, rewriting it where necessary.  By being proactive in deciding who we want to be we are taking the first step toward our independence.  We look at ourselves and decide; do I want to be the way I am or would it suit me better to be more the self I envision?

Personal Leadership is the stage we come to next.  We draft the map of our lives.  By looking at our values, roles, and goals; and comparing that to our lives we declare we want from our vision and then plan it out.  Writing a personal mission statement is a major piece of that work.

Finally, we come to personal Management.  In this stage we see the plan and carry it out.  Things such as scheduling, and prioritizing take on significance.  It is here that the work of our lives becomes a part of our integrity, and character.

By working on these three areas, we can forge an identity to our individuality, becoming the person we believe we were created to be.

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A Mystical Journey

The Beginning of Advent

This is the beginning of the Christian year; the season of Advent.  It is a period of 4 Sundays that are set aside for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.  Each Sunday has as its focus one thing that this coming means.  The first Sunday focuses on our hope.

For many years, the Jewish people anticipated the coming of a Messiah.  An anointed one sent by God to lead the people into His kingdom.  Sure, there were some who were thought to be that Christ, but none delivered the way it was thought was assured.

Today we to await; the second coming has been foretold.  We hope for deliverance from the reign of Satan, to a never ending of Gods’ kingdom.  But wait!

Our hope is a reality that we don’t have to wait for because the living Christ is with us, even to this day.  Jesus said he would send a comforter, His spirit to guide us in righteousness.  All we have to do is open our hearts and minds to receive the gift.

Unfortunately, many people are so entrenched in their idea of what His coming will look like that they miss the evidence, and power of His current presence.  We have within our reach an opportunity to remake this planet into what our Lord designed it to be.

One of the biggest sins we can commit is to deny, as those 1st century Jews did, the presence of God’s anointed.  Should we not have learned that our deliverer will not come as we expect.  Rather, His presence will come as a new born babe; pure and innocent.

This week reflect on how your life could be different if only you took your hope and lived it as fact.  He is here, just waiting to be acknowledged.

So, enter into His hope and believe. Pastor Ya

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A Mystical Journey

A trip through the Christian year

By Robert A. Charlois III

Every journey begins somewhere.  This journey is going to be no different.  We are going to start on November 26th, 2022, and run through December 3rd, 2023.  Going through the typical Christian year as a way of drawing closer to God.

Beginning with a look at the Hanging of The Greens service as an introduction to the trip that actually begins with the 1st Sunday of Advent.  We will follow the Christian calendar through its many Holy days and also look at different ways of seeing things on average days.

Hanging of The Greens can happen at any time during the Advent season but usually on or near the 1st Sunday.  It is a time to prepare for the season by decorating and a special service.  It is a special time for us as well.  As we embark on this journey, we need to prepare ourselves for what is ahead.

Over the next 52+ weeks we are going to strive to get closer to our Creator.  We will be following the traditions prescribed by the church and its Christian calendar.  Plus we will be meditating on reflections not set forth in the afore mentioned calendar.

Each edition will consist of a page with the Lectionary readings for that day, a guiding prayer, and possibly other items to set the tone for the day.  After the opening page will be a page or maybe more for reflection on the theme of the day.  Periodically there will be special editions explaining the season or providing practices that might be helpful on the quest.

So, with an attitude of inquisitiveness, let us begin this trek.

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Charlois Principles

Principle #6

We are sentient beings that can best partake of the magnificence of creation by refining our seven senses.

“{Leonardo reflected that the average human] Looks without seeing, listens without hearing, touches without feeling, eats without tasting, moves without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of odor or fragrance, and talks without thinking.”

     The senses are the keys to opening the doors to human experience.  With the vast array of things to experience, it would be a shame to let our senses so deteriorate that we miss the pleasures they bring.

     In Raja Yoga, the fifth practice is, according to the Yoga Sutras, the act of sensory inhibition.  This in no way is meant to infer that the senses are wrong and feelings bad; actually, it is preparation for the higher reaches of Yoga.  In fact, in some meditative practices, the act of canceling out most feeling is crucial to experiencing the focus of meditation in its fullest.

     It should be noted that the act of over-indulging the senses goes contrary to most faith traditions.  However, the act of refining the senses, not to indulge, but to more fully appreciate the gifts God has so freely given makes perfect sense.

We have been created with various gifts and characteristics which enable us to experience the universe around us. The first of these are…

1) Sight

2) Hearing

3) Smell

4) Taste

5) Touch

These five constitute what is commonly believed to be the way sentient beings experience the world.  Because of that we feel it would be unnecessary to elaborate here.  The last two are what we would call extrasensory.

6) Intuition

     That extra sense that we sometimes speak of when we say things like, “I feel it in my gut,” or “I just know.”  It is the sense that is difficult to explain.  However, research shows it does exist and can be developed to our benefit.

7) Emotion

     Peace, joy, happiness, anger, sadness, and the list goes on, these are the extras that move us more so than the basic five that begin our list.

By refining these senses, developing them to their full capacity, we enhance our ability to experience life. Since all of life is a gift from God, we believe that enhancing the experience of living it to its fullest extent helps us to draw closer to Him from which we come.

All of these gifts are malleable which suggests that we should strive to malleate them as possible.

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A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

Saturday, November 20th, 2022

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.  Know that the Lord is God.  It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.  Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise.  Give thanks to him, bless his name.  For the Lord is good; and his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.”  Psalm 100: 1-5 NRSV

Here it is, the last Sunday of the Christian year; Thanksgiving Sunday or the Sunday before Thanksgiving, if you prefer.  Psalm 100 is a psalm of thanksgiving so therefore it is appropriate that we reflect on it today.  In essence, it is to God that we should give thanks on this week, especially Thursday.  He created and sustains us and all that we have is a gift from him.

In reality, we should give thanks every day, not just on special holidays.  If we are honest, everything is a gift, that we should be grateful for.  Which is why I advocate for participating in a “gratitude practice.”  This is where at a set time, usually in the evening, we sit down and list 3-5 things from our day that we are grateful for.  By engaging in this exercise, we open ourselves to a higher frequency of energy, and therefore we end up developing a more positive attitude.  Try it and see what difference it makes.

By giving thanks on this, the last week of the Christian year, we are setting ourselves up for a remarkable experience in the coming year.  In fact, all of the holidays of this season, Thanksgiving thru New Year’s, serve as a transition from the past and going into the future.  So, enjoy, and set yourself up for a glorious future.

Meditate on that for a while,

Go in God’s grace.

Pastor Yancy

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A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

“Whoever is not against us is for us.”  Mark 9:40 NRSV

Last week we talked of the idea that there is no distinction in persons; that continues today in this quote from the Gospel of Mark.  In the whole story it becomes clear that Jesus doesn’t care who others follow, as long as they are after the same goal.

Throughout the Judeo-Christian scriptures, as well as the sacred writings of other traditions, we hear, Love God and Love neighbor.  All traditions teach, at their core, to seek fellowship with God and neighbor as the highest quest.  Therefore, if that is what a person is seeking, then who is someone else to say it is wrong?

Too often people get so attached to a way of relating to God and creation that they begin to believe it is the only way.  This is not so.  God created us as unique individuals and I believe He expects us to seek Him in our own unique way.  It says in Philippians 2:12b “work out your own salvation.”  That serves as a mandate for us to find our own way.  We can seek others’ opinions, but we will be judged on what “WE” believe, not what others may believe.

So, it would be prudent of us if we were to spend more time figuring out our own path and quit telling others what path they should take.  In love, we can all help each other on this journey, so let us do it.

Meditate on that for a while,

Go in God’s grace.

Pastor Yancy

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