
The Charlois Life

After a rough start to the year, I’m finally beginning to pull it together.  I finished up last year with my typical review and found myself disappointed.  It’s not that it was a bad year, I mean I published my first book, “The Charlois Manifesto.”  But in my reflection period I came to realize I was off course.  The goals I’ve been working on for the last few years are mostly out of my reach.  I came to see that I was not God’s gift to humanity, but rather just another piece of His plan.  And that is OK.  It was hard to accept my place when I had such lofty plans.

Now I’m beginning to regroup.  Revisiting my mission statement.  Exploring how I can use my gifts to better my life and also that of others.  One thing I know for sure is there will be a change in the website / blog.

In the past I was trying to make this site the cornerstone of everything Charlois; no longer.  From now on it will be a log of my journey to become the best version of who I was created to be.  From these tales I hope that some of you will be inspired to embark on your own journey.

In the past I was hoping I could monetize it but that is no longer my desire; it doesn’t fit with who I want to be.  I will continue to present the schedule for posts in nearly the same format as before, with only minor changes.  What you will notice is the more personal approach I take to these posts.

It is my hope that this new approach is received in the way it is intended.  As always, if you have any thoughts, they can be shared through the comment application.

Robert A. Charlois III

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Charlois Foundations

In my most recent Pastoral Reflection, I wrote about the three aspects of God and the interrelatedness of all things in the universe.  That could be the number one “Foundational Statement” in all of Charlois.  With that being said, let us examine the concept further.

Throughout Scripture we see that it constantly refers to the different aspects of God and man and how they work together.  This synergy is to be expected considering, in the simplest terms, all matter is of the same substance, and all energy is of the same sort.  The only thing that distinguishes the parts of the created order is the individual consciousness of all the different parts.

So, when the Bible says “love neighbor as self,” there is a reason; we are the same as our fellow creations, just assembled in our own unique way.

Some day everything will be reunited bringing about ordered perfection.  Until that time may I suggest that we work toward bring an ordered mutually beneficial way of existing.

God bless, and have a great day.

Robert A. Charlois III

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A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness,”                                    Genesis 1: 26a

What does it mean to be made in the image of God?  To answer that question, we need to know God in His totality.  He is all in all, creator and sustainer, love embodied in its purest form.  We must not forget that He is one in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

This is what we want to focus on.  Everything that is, comprises of three parts; a consciousness that is in control, a physical that gives substance, and a spirit that provides the life force.  In that way we are one with the universe, interconnected in all ways.  As such, we need to support all aspects of creation.

Throughout scripture there are references to care for one another, the less fortunate.  If the universe is filled with abundance we need not fear not getting enough; in fact there is so much available we can never give it all away.

So, in your days be grateful and share with others.  As you give so shall you receive.

God’s peace to us all.

Pastor Yancy

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The Charlois Life

Welcome to 2024.  It is going to be a great year of abundance.  The reason I say this is because it is within my power, and yours, to make it so.  One of the things we seem to forget is that we are made in the image of God.  With that comes our power to create a life we can love.

You may be saying there is so much outside of our control.  That may be true to an extent, but how we respond to situations is totally within our control.  With that being said, how we react stars a process that can be turned into a benefit for us.  Therefore, it is within our control.

This brings us to the beginning of another year.  After reflecting on the last couple of years I’ve come to realize that some of my former goals were pretty unrealistic.  With that in mind I am dedicating this year to focusing my gifts to helping those I encounter to have their best life possible.

I will do this by improving my writing and web presence.  By dedicating myself to improving myself to becoming the best I can be I’ll act as a coach and inspiration to others.  That is what the Charlois life is about; helping each other in our quest for a great life.

Here is to a successful goal.  God bless.

Robert A. Charlois III

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A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

“Once Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, and he answered, “The kingdom of God is not with things that can be observed, nor will they say, “look, here it is! Or there it is!”  For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.”  Luke 17: 20-21 NRSV.

This passage has always intrigued me.  The main reason for this is the way, “it is among you,” is translated in other versions.  The first time I read it, it was in another version that read, “The kingdom of God is within you,” translation from I don’t know where.  Upon further research I discovered that the only other place it is recorded is in the apocryphal book of, The Gospel of Thomas.  There it is rendered, “The kingdom of God is within you,” with some more comment.

Now the Gospel of Thomas is considered to be a Gnostic writing and should be discounted.  I believe that it was contemporary with the other gospels, and possibly purer.  At any rate, it should be of note that at some point it was believed that Jesus made the implication that we are more like him than savior / servant.  Carrying it one step further, if we are like Jesus and He is one with God, wouldn’t it reason that we are one with God?

You may be thinking that such thoughts are blasphemy, but I believe it opens a whole host of possibilities for our relationship with the Father and His creation.  Something to consider.

May God bless you and keep you, Amen.

Pastor Yancy

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The Charlois Life

The Charlois Life is not a stroll in the park.  The act of becoming the best version of yourself requires major effort on many fronts.  However, the rewards are great.  By doing the work we are blessed with an eternal life of abundance.  There is joy that comes as a result of the effort we put in.

I started my journey through the Charlois life in 2018, after a major mental crisis.  I was ripe for the undertaking.  My whole life was in turmoil.  I didn’t know who I was or what I stood for.  So, I started seeking answers.  What I discovered was a philosophy that is, even now, unfolding before our eyes.

The foundational document is “The Charlois Manifesto.”  In this brief work are the 13 principles, 8 roles, an action plan, and finally, a vision, that constitute the philosophy.  Published on August 28th, 2023, it will be joined by other writings in the future.

This philosophy is one that I hope takes root and grows.  The world we live in is rapidly becoming unbearable.  It seems to be all about, the me complex, where it’s every person for themselves.

If we are to survive as a species we are going to have to change.  The need for community is great.  Civilization came about because of people working together for the benefit of all.  This current trend is driving out the good that was made possible by reciprocity.

Take heart.  Learn from history.  And embrace your brothers and sisters of this advanced species.  Our survival demands it.

God bless, and happy journeys.

Robert A. Charlois III

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The Charlois Co., LLC

Parts of The Charlois Co., LLC are up and running.  The first printing of The Charlois Manifest is complete and sales are progressing.  As we expand our services, we will be providing links to make other purchases.

Book two of the Manifesto lays out a plan for how we hope to implement this philosophy.  As with any dream there are costs.  That is why we have a “for profit” branch.  10% of profits will be directed to our non-profit arm.  40% will go to employee benefits, and 50% will be used to grow the philosophy with all its divisions.

Our goal is to “Help Improve Lives, Because We Care.  This is more than a slogan, it’s the underlying force that drives all we do.  We hope you’ll support us because of our motives.

Robert A. Charlois III

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The Charlois Life

At 66 years old my friends are asking why I’m so driven.  When many people my age have retired, or are getting ready to, I still have goals.  That is what the Charlois Life is about; making a difference up to the end.  I realize I may not be able to complete all of my goals in my lifetime; let’s face it, I’m not getting any younger and my goals are pretty significant.  However, that does not mean it’s time to slow down; actually, it means I need to get busy.

How about you?  What contribution are you making?  That is a question we all need to ask ourselves.  Because, if we aren’t contributing, what’s our purpose.  Without a purpose, we flounder, and who wants that.

Instead, I suggest we find something we can align ourselves with, and go out with a bang.  Who knows, your memory may be eternal.

God bless, and happy journeys.

Robert A. Charlois III

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Fellowship Of All God’s Children

Updates on happenings with Fellowship of ALL God’s Children.  Now that our foundational document, “The Charlois Manifesto,” has been published, it is time to get serious about promoting the non-profit.

For the next 17 months, we are going to be growing our base of participants.  We need to connect with as many people as possible so as to increase our impact.  We need to make the facebook page more active so we can build repour with our constituents. And we need to start working on planning for “The Spiritual Renewal Crusade,” that will be happening in 2025, in Maysville Kentucky.

For information purposes, this will be more than your typical revival, although it will have some of the same characteristics.  Where it will be different is the length.  It will kick off on Easter, with a Spiritual Formation study that will last 7 weeks. Then the first day of the revival, Tuesday the 3rd of June will be a 24-hour prayer vigil. That will go from 7:00 pm thru 7:00 pm Wednesday, the actual start of preaching.

While this event is to increase the Spirituality of respondents it will also include a ministry fair and a fundraiser for outreach work.  The reason we’re announcing now is we want to do things right and not cut any corners.

Stay tuned as more details will be coming in the future.

Pastor Yancy

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Charlois Foundations

The primary document of Charlois has been published and is ready for purchase.  Check out the links under The Charlois Co., LLC page, that will take you to retailors that carry it.  Again, that is “The Charlois Manifesto”, by Robert A. Charlois III.

This is the first of writings that will be published for the benefit of the followers of Charlois.  We are currently working on book 2, a time / life management treatise.  Another in the planning stage is, “The Pastor That Lost His Mind, but gained an eternal life of abundance.” This will tell my story of mental illness and recovery.

There is more that is happening on the front lines.  The website is being updated with a new page, at The Charlois Co., LLC link.  Keep in mind, this is a work in progress.  We are also trying to improve the quality of everything we do.  From the website, blog, and writings.  It is here that we request your input.  You know best what you would like to see here.

Now that the Manifesto has been published the main thrust of my work will be to get our internet presence solidified.  That includes the web site, blog, and facebook presence.  When you read the Manifesto, you’ll see in book 3 an outline of our action plan.  We will be following that progression as we continue to expand Charlois.

Keep in mind, the main purpose of Charlois is to help people be the best version of themselves leading to an eternal life of abundance.  It is a big order but we believe it is possible if people come together to make it work.

So, buy the books, comment on the blog posts, contact us through the “contact us,” page.  Make this your dream as well.  It is for everyone’s benefit.

God bless, and have a great day.

Robert A. Charlois III

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