A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

Saturday, May 21st, 2022

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”  John 10:10b NRSV

It is a shame that modern society has hijacked this passage to fuel rampant consumerism.  Abundance has come to be equated with riches and material possessions.  Yet, if we look at the population as a whole, we’ll find that having great wealth is no more effective at creating true happiness than an average income.  All it does is change the focus of our attention to striving for more.

With the Charlois Philosophy, the focus is different.  For us, abundance means having the appropriate resources to fulfill our purpose.  One of the purposes we all have is to sacrifice for others.  This is what Jesus taught and lived, even died for.

If we are honest, our greatest joy comes when we are helping others.  Giving of our abundance produces blessings that can’t be explained, only experienced.  So, the more we do out of love, the self-sacrificing love of Christ, the happier we become.  We start to realize the gifts we receive are merely resources to be used to bless others.

So, it is suggested that we strive to prosper but not for ourselves but for those who are less able to provide for themselves.  Dedicate yourself to going after all you can while at the same time you seek out opportunities to share your bounty.  In this way you will be blessed with an abundance beyond your wildest imagination.

Peace and blessings in the name of God.

Pastor Yancy

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