
A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

Saturday, October 9th, 2022

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”  Jeremiah 29:11 NRSV

It was the spring of 2003 and I was in the third year of my pastoral appointment at Bybee UMC.  Being spring it was that time when discussions were starting about changes.  Rumor had it that I was in line for a move to another church.  Although I didn’t want a move, because of the uncertainty, I knew it was entirely possible.

During my devotional time one evening I was thumbing my way through my Bible when this passage caught my attention.  I knew I had read it before but this time it was speaking to me.  “I know the plans I have for you…” God was comforting me through His word.

Let’s look at the larger context.  Israel was in exile in Babylon and the wailing was great.  Along comes Jeremiah and speaks these words or more exactly the words of Jeremiah 29:10-14.  He said in time you will be delivered.  I will bless you the way I have before.  And you’ll get to go home.  What news this was to those in suffering.  Everything is going to be alright.  He was saying it to the Israelites, but maybe just as important, He was saying it to me.

Isn’t it amazing how something written 2500 years prior could have such power all these years later?  That’s the way it is with scripture.  Anything that God uses to speak to us can be counted as scripture, and thus have power to affect our lives.  While they may not be considered canonical, God can still use any means He desires to speak to His children.

So, keep you eyes and ears open and be ready to hear the Creator speak.  It just may change your life.

Meditate on that for a while,

Go in God’s grace.

Pastor Yancy

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A Charlois Book Review

Friday, October 7th, 2022

 In 2013 Jen Sincero published her third, and most influential book.  With over 2,000,000 copies sold it has become a force in the “self-help” movement. “You Are a Badass, How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life” is one of the premier coaching manuals on the market.  Written in rough street language, it holds your attention while goading you into bettering yourself.

This book has 5 parts: How you got this way, How to embrace your inner badass, How to tap into the motherlode, How to get over your B. S. already, and How to kick some ass.  Each of these parts builds on the one preceding it and leads to the next.  Going from an introduction the sets the field, to culminating in a very motivating final section; it truly is a manual to guide you to being the best version of yourself.

Ms. Sincero uses her own experiences and a very blunt style to teach some very practical steps that takes the reader from mediocrity to awesomeness.  Being a life coach with countless successes in her own business of helping people reach their own potential, she knows what she’s talking about.

While parts of it may offend some, I recommend this work highly.  Life is not always a gentle experience so I suggest getting over the judgmental tendencies and search for the parts that resonate with who you are.

I have reread this piece several times and each time I’m a little more excited about my next steps.  This will propel you into a life you may have thought was all but impossible.  As she says, the universe is full of abundance just waiting to be grabbed.  So go out and grab yourself a blessed life.

Buy it, read it, live it, and may God bless.

Robert A. Charlois III

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The Charlois Life

Thursday, October 6th, 2022

“Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 NRSV

This is an appropriate verse for this wonderful day.  I say that because this day will be what I make of it.  If we start off with a good attitude, set our intention for the day, and carry out the plan, then yes, it will be a day the Lord has made and we will be right there helping to create it.

I have read a lot in the self-help category and what comes across loud and clear is that we have tremendous control over how our lives progress toward fulfillment.  With the abundance within the universe, and the power of positive thinking, we make our destinies.

Over the course of the last month or so I have struggled.  I “stubbed my toe,” so to speak and it has been a spiral downward every since.  Those closest to me have noticed, that seems to be a pattern with me; get “knocked off my horse” and things start looking ugly, until I get my bearings back.  Today is no different.  After having myself a big, “pity party,” I spoke with some friends and they helped me see what was happening.  I was filling my mind with images of doom and gloom, and guess what? The negative thoughts were followed by even deeper depression.  Until my friends helped remove the scales from my eyes and with seeing clearly, I changed my mindset.

The” Mind” is a powerful tool that can create, through the power of the Spirit, almost anything we desire, including peace and prosperity. When we think positive thoughts, believe in the reality of our desires, and, out of gratitude, give thanks for the gift that is being manifest in our lives, we receive an abundance of blessings.

The Charlois Philosophy teaches that we need to strive to be the best version of who we were created to be.  With that in mind, wouldn’t it be beneficial to access the creative power of mind and Spirit, to improve ourselves?  We, the human species, were created with the same Spirit as the One doing the creating.  That is another thought for us to mull over.  If we have that capacity, why don’t we create a world that is in line with what we desire?  That is another aspect of the Charlois Philosophy; while becoming our best selves, we are to help others do the same.

Everything in the universe is interconnected, so what is beneficial for us should be beneficial for others.  We have to stop thinking only of ourselves and start focusing on what is good for everyone else.  In this way we can have that which we desire.

Keep on keeping on.

Robert A. Charlois III

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The Charlois Life

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

The Charlois Life is one of abundance, though not always perfect.  It has been my experience that when I am striving to be the best possible version of who I was created to be I have a much more agreeable existence.  Yes, it is hard keeping a positive attitude all the time: I fail miserably at times.  However, when I pull it together good things just seem to happen.

These last few weeks have been one of those times that I’ve struggled.  Feeling down, less than motivated, and being disagreeable with those around me.  No matter how I want to be positive I just can’t seem to get it together.

My advice to myself, and you if you’re going through the same thing, is don’t give up.  When we give up is the only time we lose.  As long as we’re trying good things can happen.  Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow and everything will turn around.

It’s a short post but one I needed to write.  It is these little things that help break the cycle of negativity.  That is when miracles happen.

Keep on keeping on.

Robert A. Charlois III

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Charlois Principles

Principle #1

“The Universe consists of God and All His Creation, and functions as an interrelated whole.”

“In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth…” (Genesis 1:1, NRSV)

     This is the first verse of the epic poem of creation from the Judeo-Christian tradition.  In it is recorded a beautiful story of how everything came into being and who caused it to occur.  It establishes God as creator and as such sovereign of it all.

     In another scenario, the scientific community believes that some billions of years ago there was a giant explosion and the universe came into being in a “big bang,” evolving and growing ever since.

     Deists believe that whatever scenario one chooses to believe the evidence reasonably points to the assumption that there must be a master architect which we call God.  This manifesto does not try to prove or disprove either of the first two scenarios.  However, using reason we will be moving forward on the premise that there is an intelligence behind it all and as creator this conscious being is entitled to our reverence.

      For an intelligence to be able to create all that we see and know this being must be omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.  This being true we would think that said creator would be unknowable, but in reality, we can know, at least in part, this creator.

     Very simply, the God of the universe is one being in three parts: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  As Father, He is a conscious being that encompasses the whole of creation.  He has personality as well as thought and substance; a totality of being.

     As Son, we are speaking of one of the manifestations of this being, the physical part.  In essence all matter, in whatever form comprises this manifestation.  Whether it be the simplest atom, or the most advanced organism.  All substance is in and a part of the whole being of God.

     The Holy Spirit on the other hand is made up of that which we cannot see.  The life force or thought of God.  All matter has a vibration to it producing a frequency of energy.  It is this energy that is the substance of the Holy Spirit.  And as such, it too is a piece of the totality of God.

   These three components of God working together is what created the universe that we know. The consciousness or Father, the physical or son, and the energy or Holy spirit, working as an interrelated whole to bring about creation or all that we see and know.

     God is the creator of the universe but there is also the creation.  Created in the image of God, Genesis 1:26, it also has three parts: Consciousness or individuality, physical or body, and life force or spirit.

     The first part, consciousness, is the individuality of the whole.  It is what makes us unique, a part of God yet separate and distinct.  It is believed by some that all matter possesses this consciousness to some extent. This means that all matter, be it the simplest element or the most advanced life form, has at its core a level of being, which makes us related at the individual level. However, for our purposes we shall concentrate on humankind.

     The next part, physical, is the visible matter that makes up the universe.  In regards to humankind, it is our bodies, comprised of various particles and elements, working together to make a living organism.  Without the synergy of its various parts the body would just be dust.  Yet, by working together, the pieces are able to bring about a level of being that does not exist in most of the other physical parts of the universe such as rocks, minerals, and such; again, making us unique.

     The final part, spirit, is where God mostly resides in us.  It has been said that the Spirit of God or the mind of God is where we have our basic connection with the divine.  It is where our life and thought originates, and also where we connect with the universal spirit of the whole of creation.  It is through this connection that our greatest potential comes from.  In fact, working synergistically, all parts of creation, we believe can bring to fruition God’s ultimate plan, heaven on Earth.

     Finally, there is the interconnectedness of all things. God is the creator, and creation / everything else, is His handiwork. Creation is infused with God’s presence, sharing a physical and spiritual aspect. However, they are separate and distinct, each with their own individual consciousness, thus connected but never one.

     It is through this interconnectedness that the synergy comes about.  Looking at it as a living organism, creation has many parts, all distinct and separate, but combining in common, things happen that would not be possible if the universe consisted of one type of element.  Thus, it is the interaction between the parts that makes it all possible.  God, the creator, working through creation, constructs His ultimate plan.

There it is, the first Principle of the Charlois Philosophy. We will look at each of the other 13 on successive weeks.

We hope this helps make sense of it all. Have a great day.

Robert A. Charlois III

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The Charlois Life

Thursday, September 15th, 2022

I would love to live an abundant life, who wouldn’t.  It has been my experience of 65 years that, with a few exceptions, living an abundant life is mostly within our control.  Once we get that fact in our minds, we can start manifesting abundance.  The universe is overflowing with all that we need and the Creator of it all wants us to have it.  The only stipulation is that we have to show we believe it.

Many people say they want an abundant life but when things get hard, they give up.  This indicates they really didn’t want it as much as they said.  I’ve already said abundance is all around us and all we have to do to get it is to believe we already have it, and be grateful.

In the book, “You Are A Badass” by Jen Sincero, she lays out a whole program to help people tune in and lead awesome lives.  I’ll review this book on the 16th of September.  But for now all you need to know is that the life you desire is out there waiting for you, and me.

I’ve been struggling a little myself.  It seems that the things I want are just out of my reach.  However, I have the desire and tools to get it; I just can’t give up, and neither can you.

Keep on keeping on.

Robert A. Charlois III

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A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

Saturday, September 10th, 2022

“In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, …” Genesis 1:1-2:3 NRSV

“These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created. …” Genesis 2:4-25 NRSV

These two passages constitute what is known as the two creation stories of the Judeo-Christian tradition.  They are two separate accounts whose purpose is to explain the beginning of time.  Just like the creation accounts of other traditions they do their explaining in very specific ways.

The first passage tells the story of creation in a worshipful way.  By using poetry, it conveys the awesomeness and majesty of God and His creation.  Probably recited during worship services and religious observances, it instills a sense of wonder among the audience.

The second story is told in a narrative manner to teach basic truths about the way things came into being.  Possibly told around camp fires in its earliest days, it still serves as a teaching tool today.

Neither of these stories, or for that matter those of other traditions, is supposed to be a scientific treatise.  All of these accounts come from a pre-scientific age and should be treated as such.  If we want precise accounts into the matters of the universe we need to look into modern science.  That is not to say that there isn’t value in them, both methods, faith and scientific serve their respectful purposes.

So, what are we to believe?  All traditions agree, the universe was brought into existence by God or in the case of polytheistic religions, Gods.  On the other hand, science is searching for the how of creation.  In doing so we are discovering new facts that could possibly impact our lives.  With that being true, we need to have faith in something to make sense of all that is happening in our universe.

It has been said that “there is nothing that is good or bad, but what we make it so.”  I believe that statement at a certain level because History is full of examples of the human species really messing up things that have the potential to do so much good.  Therefore, we need the lessons learned from our faith traditions to navigate the ever-expanding wealth of knowledge that is before us.

Bottom line, we need a sense of right and wrong in order to save ourselves from situations that we don’t have the scientific maturity to address.  We live in a fragile universe, and we have long held the power to destroy it.  So, it would benefit us as a species to encourage a balanced approach to assessing our direction.

I suggest we look to faith, study history, and think critically of the issues before us.  It is on our benevolence that we go forward.  With a lack of the principles taught in the various faith traditions, we are doomed to extinction.

Meditate on that for a while,

Go in God’s grace.

Pastor Yancy

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How To – Live An Abundant Life

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The abundant life Jesus offers in John 10:10b of the Christian Scriptures is available to anyone who is willing to follow certain principles.  We at Charlois Philosophy believe that those who dedicate themselves to the quest to be the best version of the person they were created to be will have life abundant; with qualifications.

The first of these qualifications’ rests on an appropriate understanding of what an abundant life consists of.  It is not a life based on the hedonistic principles many subscribe to.  Rather it is one that is based on the beliefs and teachings of the majority of the world’s religions and philosophies.  Love God and neighbor, keeping others needs in mind, doing what is best for all of creation, and other such ideas.

When we embark on a journey of continual self-improvement, striving to be our best, for the betterment of the whole universe, then we open the doors to that universe that God created and the abundance that is our gift from Him.

That is another qualification.  We have to understand that our universe, all that exists, is the result of God’s love.  People have many designations for this God but they all are referring to the same benevolent being.  The one that has no boundaries to the extent of His love and generosity.

Which brings us to the next qualification.  We live in a universe of abundance.  Everything we could ever need to thrive is waiting to be made manifest in our lives.  All we have to do is ask, believing that it is present and acting accordingly.

Many people have commented on this idea and have tried to convince the rest of us as to its truth.  As some have said, the universe is vibrating with energy, waiting to create for us the substance of that which we hope for in faith.

Jen Sincero, writes in her book, “You Are A Badass.” About different exercises we can do to aid in this process of manifestation, (I’ll write more about her book in the book review on Friday).  For now, just realize that she is only one of many who have tried to help us see the path to abundance.  Ernst Holmes, in his book, “The Science of Mind,” also speaks extensively about this topic.

As can be seen, if we look, there is no lack of teachers to help us on our journey to abundance.  Most of the worlds’ religions and philosophies have this abundance as their reward for living the holy life.  However, you don’t have to become a religious fanatic or philosopher to reap the rewards.  Study the teachings, implement the lessons, and gain a life of abundance.

Here is to that which you seek.  May God bless you abundantly.

Robert A. Charlois III

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A Charlois Pastoral Reflection

Saturday, July 23rd, 2022

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  … You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  Matthew 22:37 and 39  NRSV

This passage from the book of Matthew in the Christian Scriptures brings to the forefront the core of teaching in every spiritual tradition; Love.  If we boil it down, every world religion would have us to love God and each other.

To be specific about this passage, the teachers of Jewish law are trying to trap Jesus by making Him sum up the beliefs of the faith.  His answer does that extremely well.  By loving God, we are satisfying the first three of the ten commandments that God gave to Moses.  The other seven are satisfied by the “Love neighbor,” clause.  To go further, all of the laws and profits are being addressed by one of these two commandments.

So why are we commanded to love God and neighbor?

We are to love God because He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the Creator and sustainer of all that is, was, and will ever be.  In Him there is none other.  We are to love neighbor because we come from the same substance, God.  By being so we are intricately connected.  What we do for others we do for ourselves.

One of the goals of a spiritual life is to be re-united with God and creation.  “As it was in the beginning,” so shall it be in the end.  The only way to bring that about is through love.

So, Love God, and Love neighbor as self.  For there is no other way.

Go in God’s grace.

Pastor Yancy

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A Charlois Book Review

Friday, July 22nd, 2022

 “This book has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress did for his.  It’s that good.”  Eugene Peterson On the cover of The Shack by William P. Young.  This 248-page narrative will challenge how you view God and His relationship with mankind.

In a typical story of crisis-quest-enlightenment, Mackenzie Allen Phillips finds a truth that will change his life forever.  His quest doesn’t provide pat answers to life’s most difficult struggles; however, it does satisfy his soul.

Without giving away the story, Mac, as his friends call him is suffering from a great darkness in his life.  Yet one day he gets a letter from someone called Papa inviting him to The Shack.  It is here that he is exposed to the unimaginable.

Take this journey with Mac and have your preconceived notions challenged.

Buy it, read it, live it, and may God bless.

Robert A. Charlois III

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