
A Mystical Journey

“And He was transfigured before them” Mark 9:2b NRSV

What does it mean to be Transfigured?  For this passage, the disciples finally saw Jesus in all of his spiritual glory.  While earlier, when he asked them “who do you say that I am?” they got it right.  It was at that point that they recognized Jesus for who he was.  However, it wasn’t until he took them up the mountain did they get to see with their own eyes.

We too can be transfigured.  When we turn away from the ways of the world and start living a life dedicated to God and our fellow beings, then we become more beautiful, in a spiritual way.

People around us begin to see the difference.  Because we act differently.  It has been said that you can tell who’s child someone is by the way they walk.  This is true of the children of God.  When we embrace the heart and mind of God, we have been changed into something more beautiful, more glorious.

So, if you want to be the best version of the you that you were created to be, then life like the child whose you are.

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The Charlois Co.

Friday, February 17th, 2023

On August 28, 1963 a crowd of 250,000 listened to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. give his famous “I have a dream,” speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  It was just another example of the prophecy of Joel.  “…I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.” Joel 2:28b NRSV.  In the last days; and it shall truly be our last days if we continue on the path we are on.

Every great movement had at its heart a dream or vision that propelled people to action.  We are hoping that the Charlois movement is the same, for we, its founders have within our hearts a dream for a better way. 

We believe that in order for the human species to reach its full potential, and thus the survival of this planet, we call home, to be assured; we are going to start putting ourselves to the side and consider instead, what is best for all.  This is opposite of the way things are in large part today.  It’s a dog eat dog world, where most of us are out to drain all good from others in order to raise ourselves to an elusive pinnacle of success.

We further believe that if we join together, as one body, that there is an abundance available to all.  No more of this chasm between those that have and those that don’t.  With everyone working for the good of all everyone prospers.

That is what Charlois is trying to do.  “Helping Improve Lives, Because We Care.”  It is more than just a motto, but instead it is our battle cry.  By initiating jobs, programs, and causes; we hope to change the way this world operates.

So, stay tuned as we’ll be sharing more of the vision in the weeks ahead.  Until then, keep the faith and hope alive.  God bless.

Robert A. Charlois III

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The Charlois Life

Living a Charlois Life is not without its drawbacks.  One of the biggest of those is our tendency to fret over not getting enough done.  I know I fall into that trap way too often. With our quest to become the best we can be we are constantly trying to improve.  If you’re like me that sets up the question, “when is it enough?”

At a recent therapy session my therapist suggested that I put together a list of accomplishments from this past year.  She went on to suggest I post that list where I would see it every day.  The purpose for this exercise is to have a visual reminder of the progress I’m making.

To take that exercise one step further I’m starting to do a nightly review of all I did during the day, then write a gratitude statement for all I managed.  This forces me to focus on the positives, and to be grateful.  When I do this I’m less likely to berate myself for not doing more.

Try it and see if it helps you.  It won’t hurt, and maybe you’ll be pleased to see your progress.

Robert A. Charlois III

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Charlois Principles

Principal 13) The whole purpose of living these Principles is to gain union with God and Creation in service to the highest good which is the Perfect will of God.

Revelation 21 talks of a new Heaven and a new Earth where God and man will spend eternity together.

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

     This question which has been asked in various forms since the beginning of time gets to the heart of the the human quest.  Man seems to be hardwired to want to seek a return to the presence of God.  It’s as if we are incomplete if we are not an integral part of the greater cosmos.

     In man’s search for meaning, it boils down to, what can I do to be a part of the greater reality?  We came from God, in the beginning and to God we will return in the end.

    In some faiths, there is the belief that we are recreated or born anew over and over until we evolve to a state where that return is possible.

     In other traditions we are given this one life and then the judgement, where it will be determined whether we have met the criteria for eternity with God, or, eternity separated from Him.

     We believe that God, given His perfect love nature, would give us every opportunity to meet whatever the criteria are.  Thus, yes, we believe in some form we are given multiple chances to learn the lessons necessary to make the transition from mortal beings to that which we desire, immortality.

     These principles are a way, one of many, that serves to aid us in that journey.  When we follow the teachings in this manifesto, we believe we are being equipped to make that transition.

“A Heart That Couldn’t Sleep Last Night.”

A heart that couldn’t sleep last night, for souls that anguish far below, and baptistries unused above; Would speak of things more tragic still, of hearts become as cold as stone;

When in the rush of daily things, of jobs and coin of mortal fare, why can we not more clearly see, what dangers lurk beyond the pale, and press t’ward legacies beyond, where moth and rust cannot prevail;

And on the final day we dwell, shall truth the final ledger tell, we might have done a better job, to run a race where none prevail, but in the last analysis it won’t much matter where we fit, as long as we have steered our course to let our Savior settle it.

Pastor Gordon Jones, August 10th, 2021

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A Mystical Journey

I Corinthians 13:1-13  “The Love Chapter”

In the King James version of the bible the term “Charity,” is used in place of love.  This is probably because that charity denotes the type of love being talked about.  We are to love our neighbors as ourselves, with a self giving relationship.

On this Valentines weekend it is appropriate that we speak of love.  We celebrate love in its many forms, not just the erotic love we have for another.  If we were to look at love in the Greek mindset of the first century, we would find that there are many ways to love one another.  All are appropriate in the proper context.

Too often we resist the command to love one another because we may be thinking of an inappropriate form of love.  But in the proper context, all love comes from God, for He first loved us.

So, on the Valentines weekend think of your different relationships and determine what the best expression of love is, in the right context.

Love God, and Love neighbor, for there is no better way.

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The Charlois Co.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

We have come to another milestone in our evolution as an organization.  When I was still a young lad, I had visions of having my own business.  As I matured, first as a teen, then young adult, and still maturing to this day; the vision never ended, however, it did morph into something I couldn’t see when I had those first dreams.  Today marks another transformation.

I spoke with a lawyer today about the steps we needed to take to become a 501c(3), non-profit.  That led to some further research on my part, and boom, a light in the fog.

What started as a dream for my own business, evolved into sharing the proceeds with God, and has finally come to this.  It is all God’s.  Before today I envisioned a joint venture, where we had this business that gave 10% to ministries to help people live their best lives.  With that, we would also have a non-profit to raise and disburse funds for the same purpose.  Glitch, law says one person can’t have both entities under their name.

So, next month I’ll be filing paperwork with the Secretary of the State to form, “The Charlois Co.,” an entity that combines both expressions into one unique organization that will do everything the previous two did, but as one non-profit that gives its all for God’s mission.

This is where we stand.  As of March, we will be a certified non-profit under the name of, “The Charlois Co. LLC.”  We will continue the process by getting our tax ID number and filing for the 501c(3) status.  “Fellowship of ALL God’s Children,” will continue being the social arm of the movement, “” will still be the website, and we will start working to add a revenue producing arm.

This is all new to us but we are confident this is the path we are called to be on.  As with any new endeavor, there is a level of uncertainty, but we believe we’ll grow into the role.  It is our hope that our readers will support our efforts, and make this a successful project; one that will benefit many.

Keep us in your prayers and ask God how He would like to see you contribute to the movement.  Peace and blessings,

Robert A. Charlois III

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A Mystical Journey

“I have come that you may have life and that more abundantly” John 10:7-10 NRESV

Once we have come to know the truth and that truth has set us free, then we enter the realm of abundance.  Every good and pleasurable thing is ours to have.  The universe, and God as its creator wants us to be filled with our every need.

But this abundance comes at a cost.  We must first seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness.  Then, and only then will all the rest be given to us.

How do we seek Him and His kingdom? By prayer, study, and commitment to His principles.  If we are truly following where He is leading then we will know the way, for the Holy Spirit will show us the steps we need to take.

It’s not about following a bunch of restrictive laws but rather an involvement in a loving relationship.  Out of chaos God created an ordered universe, and we must share that love with our fellow inhabitants.

So share the gifts you have been given and receive your just reward.

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A Mystical Journey

“If you make my word your home, you will come to know the truth, and that truth will set you free.”  John 8:31-31 NJB

This is one of my favorite Bible passages. It contains four words that bear examining in great deal: word, home, truth, and free.

The word that it speaks of is the Greek, Logos, or the self-revealing nature of God.  God wants us to know Him so He fills the universe with examples of His presence and nature.  The most obvious being His Son, Jesus.  When we encounter the evidence, we can’t help but be changed.

Being changed, we need to make Him our home; living out the truth of His presence and love.  As with our physical home, it is here that we find safety, resources, and happiness.

By living these we will come to know the truth; we are created by God and invited to live in Him in perfect relationship.  That truth will set us free.

Free, in that nothing more is expected of us than to love Him and our neighbor.

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How To – Live An Abundant Life

Living an abundant life is both easy and at the same time difficult.  It is easy in that the principles leading to this abundant life are simple and straightforward.  Become the best you can be and you will naturally receive abundance.

It is difficult because we have a lifetime of programming our subconscious minds want to keep intact.  In order to become our best selves, we almost always need to change this programming in order to put on a new identity.  Changing the very scripts, we’ve been living our whole lives with takes commitment.

In the soon to be released book, The Charlois Manifesto, the authors lay out a program of self-improvement that if followed will lead to your being a better version of yourself.  It gives 13 principles, everything from a belief in the interconnectedness of all of creation, to sharing your abundance with others.

As a part of the living organism, called creation, we need to keep the big picture first and foremost in our minds.  When we care for the universe, the universe rewards us with the abundance we seek.  This sharing attracts what we desire, and thus fulfills our quest.

It has been questioned, “if your prayers were answered, who would be better off, you, or those around you?”  This is a question we need to be asking ourselves.

So care for each other and receive your reward.

Robert A. Charlois III

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Charlois Principles

Principal 12) Having attained that which we desire then we are best served by relinquishing control of self and all that we hold dear.

This comes from my reading of Matthew 16:3,4 where we are called to give our lives up for God, and other readings on sacrifice as well.

“Treat people with dignity, honor, and respect; esteeming them higher than yourself and they will give their lives to make you successful.” (Robert A. Charlois, 2017)

Giving of oneself is the foundation on which the future society must embrace.  We live in a world that like no other time in history we see the interconnectedness on a grand scale.  States are more and more relying on each other for basic, and not so basic needs.  The law of reciprocity served primitive civilizations well and it can the modern equally as well.

“It’s not what you get from life that matters, rather, it’s what you contribute that makes the difference.” Robert A. Charlois

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